Funky hairstyle for ph.d. program interviews

<p>hey all,
ive had fairly long hair for a while (not like girly long, but think of massy indie male kid). i dont want to cut it, but i know it doesnt look professional or sleek. thus im considering either to trim or to cut. i will cut it if i can get into a ph.d program haha.
what's your opinion? do profs/admission officers actually care? let me know your opinion! my interview's this weekend :)

<p>You should sport a mohawk and tell us how it goes.</p>

<p>Considering there are tons of professors I’ve seen with hair like you’re describing I hardly think it’ll keep you out of any programs :-)</p>

<p>you should focus on your writing and not your hair haha seriously youre goin to gradschool?!</p>

<p>If you’re in the humanities, your current hairstyle is practically mandatory.</p>

<p>I don’t think graduate school admissions are as strict about looking all prim and proper. I think if you can present yourself well intellectually, you don’t have to jump through all of the aesthetic hoops that other professionals have to (<em>cough</em>medicalschool<em>cough</em>).</p>

<p>Pull it back in a ponytail if it’s long enough if you really, really want to look neat (as in tidy)…</p>

<p>Yeah you really have to jump through these hoops for med schools, in addition to other non-scientific barriers like volunteering, non-science recommendation, writing about why you want to be a doctor, etc.</p>

<p>I know that was towards the OP, but I WISH my hair was long enough to put in a ponytail=( Maybe in another year without any trims haha.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone! I am still … thinking. i hate worrying about insignificant, yet potentially troublesome, things.</p>

<p>Professor X, I am in science/engineering. I know you are a prof; would you have even a slight negative impression of an interviewee due to his/her appearance?
ticklemepink, I only wish…
Tinyboss, you should focus on personality.</p>

<p>It’s not as cut and dry as you are making it out to be. You could promote an image as a young and immature individual, that would come with its own challenges.</p>


<p>No, I would not have even a slight negative impression of an interviewee due to his appearance (unless she was wearing swastikas or something else patently offensive).</p>



<p>LOL. Considering the topic of this thread.</p>

<p>Sorry. Just had to jump in there! :)</p>

<p>wow, do you have dreads? I love them.</p>

<p>or are you just not from a city where we see all kinds? </p>

<p>if you think you can clean up your look a good deal, why not do so?</p>

<p>This is coming too late for your interview, but for others, I wanted to say it wouldn’t matter. I am in a professor in a business school (talk about conservative!) but even there, I can’t imagine any prof caring about your hair if you are applying to a PhD program. Seriously. The great thing about academics is they are kinda quirky and as a general rule, have no fashion sense :)</p>

<p>[I</a> would accept this guy](<a href=“http://stefscrazylife.files.■■■■■■■■■■■■■/2007/08/einstein-imagination-poster.jpg]I”>where it's @ !~: Image)</p>