<p>Well, everybody is like super crazy getting like 4.8 gpa and stuff
Let me show you guys something that is more realistic
(And amusing too (Well, it's too boring to see everybody with super high sat and gpa doesn't it?))</p>
<p>This is a Senior '06 (Woot!) from Honduras~ YEa~~~</p>
<p>GPA= 3.8 I don't know if that's weighted and that includes freshman, where, like most people, got F-ed!</p>
<p>SAT= 1800 - 720 M, 550 W, 530 CR (I needa retake it ey?)</p>
<p>SAT2= Never took them, but gonna get the 800 for M2c and Chem hahaha! (seriously)</p>
<p>Class Rank= Like in the top 20? I dunno if my school even ranks.. My school has a couple of the 98% gpa people, but that really is just corruption because everybody cheats and literally pays vulnerable teachers to raise their grades up. Believe it! AZNHND guy's believe it or not. </p>
<p>EC= NHS member and ran for vice but elections are a popularity contest(again, seriously haha!)</p>
<pre><code> Soccer JR.Varsity, didn't win s***
Community work - 144hrs+ xhrs (I did alot, and guessing more than 200?)
Music - Say that I'm crazy, but I'm like a well-rounded music guy (5 National awards in 3 years: 3 in vocal, 1 in violin, and 1 in guitar) I'm also a member of the church choir and I am the lead singer. Oh yea, and I make electronica music (And once again, seriously)
Youth Group - Vice-president yea~ at least that was not a popularity contest.. church stuff
Electronics technitian - I installed the large, automatic projector screen, the projector itself, the video camcorder that would show the preacher's face in the screen during preaching, and computer related stuff in my church.
And of course, Missionaries~ - Visited several poor towns in Honduras (and they are really poor) as a translator, helper, and medical related student.
<p>Academic distinctions stuff=</p>
<pre><code> Presidential Classroom - a summer program where people go and meet other people around the globe and learn about the USA gov't which is kinda interesting, but I liked the chicks more than entering the senate house...and meeting Nader.. Great guy, really, but he's too (not going to say the next word)
Honor Roll - Something they give you in my school if you have a good grade and a gpa of 90 and above
Obligated Invention - My friend and I had to make this stupid pillow stuff with really retarded pouches to put in the mp3 player (again, a very stupid concept and not original), but still was the "best invention."
Missionary - That missionary stuff where I was the medical translator and student
Oh, and how could I ever forget NHS (Oh, and this country has only one NHS group, which is mine)
I've done Philosophical cafe (actually, this was kinda obligated, but still it turned out really well) and I researched about Zero and the "Fantasy vs. Reality," if that really counts..
<p>Work experiences?=</p>
<pre><code> Currently tutoring a Junior and recieving about 5 bucks/hr (5 bucks/hr is a great deal of money in this country. My sister, who is a university student tutored some kids in Honduras during the summer and recieved 2.5bucks/hr)
I helped grading some SAT things in a SAT teaching program stuff
<p>Got super recommendations because I am their friend (seriously, again). We like to recite Monty Python, which seems really dorky, but it's actually fun!
I also got a great essay because I have it peer edited, by like 5 people who knows english, more than 15 times.</p>
<p>Some classes I'm taking=</p>
Physics (what is that a,b,c stuff? My school doesn't have that)
AP Chemistry
AP Calculus
<p>My school has a mandatory curriculum for physics, philosophy, spanish, and english. I only have 2 APs because that is the most that I can take in a year in my school. (We only got 8 AP courses)
Got all A's, especially great for the APs and physics
Spanish is my only concern, which is a B+ (Yes, I live in Honduras, but you will find out why I'm not a A'er in spanish)
This stupid school doesn't have honors and so I just have to take regular</p>
<p>I'm an asian honduran. 2 of 2 "offsprings."</p>
<p>And International!</p>
<p>No need for Financial Aid</p>
<p>Thinking of few schools for RD and EA</p>
Georgia Tech
U of M AA
Rose-Hulman IT
U of Wisconsin M</p>
<p>Chances anyone? Was this amusing?</p>
<p>Any other Universities you think is right for me? Please tell me!</p>