Futons in Sellery

<p>My S will be staying in Sellery. I note that you can have a futon 56" or smaller that will fit under a lofted bed. Both he and his roommate have decided to loft their beds. Does anyone know what size of futon they can then fit in the room if they don't put it under the bed? We will probably haul a futon up there when he moves in, and it would be good if we didn't buy something too large:-)</p>

<p>Wait until you see his room and if lofting is possible/practical before you purchase.
Better to make another trip than haul it there and have to return.</p>

<p>When can we go to out dorm and look into stuff such as this? I’ve talked to my roommate a little but we haven’t talked about our room specifically. I’m living in Witte and it would be nice to plan out where to put a TV, futon, mini-fridges before the move in date.</p>



<p>You will not be able to look at your room until your move in day. The residence halls have people from conferences staying in them all summer and due to privacy concerns students are not allowed to look at them. There is the option to look at the sample room in Sellery Hall if you as a tour guide, but that’s really the only way to see any sort of room. </p>

<p>I suggest just going off the measurements listed because the size of a futon that will fit will depend on how you specifically set up your room. As far as planning out where to put stuff, you are just going to have to wait until you get there!</p>



<p>Lofting is possible in all rooms and all the items needed to loft as included with the room. Just a matter of taste as to whether or not the student decides to loft.</p>

<p>I forget what size futon I had in Witte, but it wasn’t under the bed and I think it was a bit bigger than what would have fit under there. I put it next to the closet that was next to the door (check the floor plan and it makes sense). It worked well, stuck out a slight bit in front of the other closet but it was perfectly functional and worked pretty well. I had to loft my bed (the one near the door) for it to work but my roommate was able to not have to loft hers.</p>

<p>Thank you, - I appreciate all of this information.</p>

<p>Anyone know where you can get a 56" futon? The only ones I’ve seen are quite a bit bigger than that. Or do people use a small love seat instead?</p>

<p>I had a love-seat style futon which had a separate ottoman that came with it, but could be folded down and slid underneath when we wanted the walking room. It folded down into slightly larger that a twin bed, and was really awesome. To be honest, a futon is an amazing investment in college. We initially bought a cheap one from Walmart. It lasted a year. We then bought a high-end one from a specific futon furniture store, I think it was along the lines of $400-600. It’s been in use now for 6 years, been moved about 8 times, and is AMAZING. You get what you pay for when it comes to the futons–you’ll definitely have a need for them as you move into apartments off campus, too.</p>