GA Tech Class of 2025 EA1 and EA2

anyone seeing coutdown timer in their portal saying decision letter will be posted 12pm EST

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My oscar is glitching, I can’t see my application status when I click on application status in the admissions tab


I think thats for everyone now…it is for me atleast

Does anyone have the pay now button or does that come later?

That comes later. Do you have it?? Even in EA1 Announcements, the pay button came 1-2 hours early only for just a few

I dont have it. It’s relieving to hear that it comes later though!

Do u have the oscar glitch?

The admissions summary/applicant status thing? Yeah, its missing.

Now we see a counter till tomm noon

Good luck to you all tomorrow!

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The counter takes time from local time. So i changed the system date to tomm and now, I see the text " Decision Available" but there is no hyperlink to click :frowning:

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Yo I got the pay now button!!

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Yo how do we check for that?

Go to your oscar portal and click on the financial aid tab

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Alright appreciate it!


I dont :frowning: pretty crushed. maybe there’s a chance that it comes later…

I don’t have one either