GA Tech Class of 2025 EA1 and EA2

Can anyone comment if GA Tech typically offers any need-based grants or scholarships in RD (or deferred students from EA2)? Daughter has excellent scores/stats but we are OOS & deferred from EA2. My daughter thinks there will be zero chance of any institutional assist b/c she was deferred to RD.

That is what my son is thinking too. He has done well with scholarships elsewhere and is kind of meh with GA Tech at this point. I tell him to see it through and see what shakes out. I would like to know this too.

I suspect that being deferred from EA means a low chance for merit awards/scholarships. Need-based aid should be available as it is to an RD admit.

Provost is out!!

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Did you get it? Did they send an email?

Where do you see it?

Yes I did, I got an email!


When did it come out?


3:30 central

If you received the Provost award email, but are awaiting to hear back for Stamps on 2/12, does that mean you will not receive Stamps Finalists or are they separate?

They’re separate, but you can’t receive both. According to the GT website, you can be considered for both, but can only receive one. So if you have already confirmed receipt that you received Provost, my guess would be that you are not a Stamps Finalist. Congrats though on Provost.

I don’t know about that though. I know you can’t get both, but the Stamps interview and resume were due by 9:00AM on January 27th. That would have to be a very quick decision. @komodrag If you’re an OOS Stamps semifinalist and received Provost, I would probably contact them. I definitely wouldn’t just assume you’re not a finalist.

Is the Stamps banner suddenly missing from anyone else’s portal?

Just checked. No longer on mine either. All I have is update with the admissions letter.

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Question- If you’re deferred and GaTech is your number one choice, I assume you want to say yes to the summer program question…but what if it starts the last week of HS and prior to graduation? Do you just say no and look disinterested? Or do you use up those 150 words explaining and not get to say what you really want to say?

Okay. Hopefully everyone else has this too and it isn’t just a sign we didn’t get it. I don’t know why it would be but I’m stressing myself out.

It starts June 23. Move in may be the week before though. It greatly increases your chances but don’t check if you cannot go. If offered summer you must take summer. You are not admitted for fall and won’t be allowed to switch to fall. If you check summer it probably increases the chance you will be put in summer (you can also be put there even if you do not check it).

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@lauraj80ft I would use a few words explaining that you are unable to start in summer as it conflicts with the end of your senior year but that GT is your first choice

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Your school year ends pretty late I guess. I would talk to your school counselor and Georgia Tech’s admissions department. Putting yes might help your admissions odds (and I’ve heard a lot of positives about the summer program), but it would significantly increase your odds of being a summer admit with no choice (although it definitely doesn’t guarantee that you will, or will not, be a summer admit). So I wouldn’t blindly say yes. But I wouldn’t waste any of your 150 precious words on that—I’m sure you have something more interesting to explain than a situation that can probably be resolved by a call. But I don’t know anything about admissions so take this advice with a grain of salt or two.

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