Gap year in Argentina

Hi I’m new on the forum and am going into my senior year of high school this fall. I really would enjoy going abroad to Argentina for my Gap year and learning the language and culture. I plan on staying for around 9 months. I am wondering if anyone has suggestions for language schools/classes in Argentina that would not affect my Freshman status when I return. Also, I am considering just finding a person when I get there that teaches language lessons (like a private tutor). Is this a good option? Which option would less expensive? I am really open to any other suggestions that might help. My main goal is to improve my language skills while I am there.

A semester at the University of Belgrano studying Spanish language and culture costs around $3,000 per semester.

From my experience taking language courses abroad (I did both - universities and langauge schoosl) you will definitely not need a private tutor. You will learn a lot more than you think in the regular classes.

If your main goal is to improve your language schools, definitely do a language course. A course at a language school or university will actually cost you less than a private tutor considering that a semester long course contains a ton of class hours. If you did the same amount with a private tutor you would be paying quite a lot.

You can get credit by taking CLEP exams (given by the College Board), which is the easiest way.

Hope that helps. :slight_smile:

Im also interested in Argentina. Will these classes affect freshman status though? @magellan26