Gates Millennium Scholarship 2009-2010

<p>Aw, I’m sorry superwoman. Why aren’t you qualified? </p>

<p>But, I don’t know. Something keeps telling me that I got rejected. Either way, whether I win it or don’t, I’m gonna be crying. lol!</p>

<p>hey guys
my friend who received email notification of being a finalist is african american. and he also told me that they notify by race so he said “i guess this year they’re doing african americans first.”</p>

<p>Aw, this sucks. I’m actually half African-American and half Asian, but I chose to apply under African-American. I talked about my mixed ethnicity in my essays. Maybe they got the paperwork mixed up with the organizations. lmao! I doubt it, but at least it gives me a tiny bit of hope. lol!</p>

<p>I just got an email saying I was a finalist! (I’m Native American) Now lets just hope I become a gates scholar!</p>

<p>congrats! i just hope i receive similar notification.</p>

<p>did any1 get a email message for asians??
im shaking in mai boots</p>

<p>Dub, I totally understand! I’m half Chinese and half Arabian!! They didn’t have a box for Middle Eastern, so I went with my Asian side. I also wrote about being mixed and getting discriminated against. What was your essay about?!??!</p>

<p>I don’t think any Asians have received word yet. Or from what I’ve read, nope. I’m thinking tomorrow or the next day will be the days. Pray, hope, believeeeee.</p>

<p>I havent gotten a email!!! is that bad? did i not make it?</p>

<p>mikecerang – Not necessarily. So far, I know two races have gotten word. African Americans and Native Americans.</p>

<p>yeah, i hope they havent replied for hispancis either@</p>

<p>tomorrow is my day then.
tomorrow i will begin to get anxious

<p>dubblyu91- b/c I just found out after applying that I wasnt federal pell grant eligible. = /</p>


<p>the anticipation is killing me.</p>

<p>i don’t really care too much about undergrad scholarship (my financial aid pretty much gives me a full ride)</p>

<p>i want graduate funding though!!!</p>

<p>good luck to all the other Hispanics who have not received notifications.</p>

<p>waiting… gahh…i wish i didn’t come to this forum… i didn’t know until i clicked on “finaid forum” today…
u know…
ignorant is bliss~~
oh well…</p>

<p>I feel so anxious right now. I keep checking my e-mail and have still received zip. Oh well, hopefully work will keep my mind off all this shizzzz. Anyone else having any better luck?</p>

<p>i am a FINALIST.</p>

<p>woot. woot</p>

<p>the email looks like this:</p>

<p>Gates Millennium Scholars Finalist
Gates Millenium Scholarships <a href=""></a> Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 12:13 PM
To: “carlosEMAIL>>>>>” <carlosemail>>>>>>></carlosemail></p>


<pre><code> March 9, 2009

<p>TO: Carlos///// MIDDLE NAME///// LAST NAME</p>

<p>FROM: Cathy Makunga</p>

<pre><code> Senior Director for Programs, GMS

                   Hispanic Scholarship Fund


<p>SUBJECT: Gates Millennium Scholars Finalist</p>

<p>You have been selected to advance to the second phase of the Gates Millennium Scholars (GMS) scholarship selection process. To verify your eligibility for further consideration, we must receive the following documents no later than April 8, 2009:</p>

<p>· A copy of your Admission Acceptance Letter from the college or university you currently plan to attend on a full-time basis in the fall of 2009. (This does not have to be the college or university you ultimately attend; please see the enclosed Frequently Asked Questions document for additional information.)</p>

<p>· An official copy of your High School Transcript (which must include grades through the first half of the 12th grade year on an unweighted 4.0 grading scale) or your GED certificate. </p>

<p>· A copy of your School Profile (a document containing standard data about the school such as the number of students, school type, grading scale, etc).</p>

<p>· The Cumulative Unweighted GPA Form. Please have your guidance counselor complete the enclosed GPA conversion form even if your cumulative unweighted GPA is listed on your transcript. The signed form serves as verification of your unweighted cumulative GPA.</p>

<p>· A copy of your entire Student Aid Report (SAR). This document will be mailed to you upon completion of your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or will be available online if you filed electronically. </p>

<p>If you have not already done so, you must file the U.S. Department of Education Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form immediately. We recommend that you file the FAFSA form electronically for faster processing and response time. The form is available at [FAFSA</a> - Free Application for Federal Student Aid](<a href=“”></p>

<p>As soon as each required document becomes available, please FAX or mail ONE COPY of each to the HSF/GMS program office at (415) 808-2411. Again, all documents must be submitted as soon as possible and received in the HSF/GMS office no later than Wednesday, April 8, 2009.</p>

<p>You will be notified if you are selected as a Gates Scholar subsequent to a review of the requested documents. In the meantime, if you have any questions please contact the GMS program office at (415) 808-2410 or Toll Free at 1-877-473-4636.</p>

<p>CC: Nominator, Recommender Enclosures</p>

<p>So, if you get an email with the subject “Gates Millennium Scholars Finalist” you know you are a finalist!!!</p>

<p>Ahh, CONGRATS!!! Any Asians been notified yet? Aghh, I bet you feel so much better, Carlos.</p>

carlos, you are hispanic, right?
so if im hispanic and havent received it yet im not in?


<p>I JUST SAW THE EMAIL!!! soo happy !!=]</p>

<p>it went to my junk mail =0… lol</p>