gays at MC?

<p>is there a substantial gay population at muhlenberg?
this is going to factor into my college decision, so feedback is greatly appreciated =]</p>

<p>Within the theater department (which is the second largest department on campus from what I’ve been told), yes there are. Some of my daughter’s best friends are gay. I have no idea about the rest of the school.</p>

<p>D was just home for spring break and we were talking about the lack of diversity (racial) on campus, but openness of students/staff. She was telling me how the Young Republicans club has really not had much luck in getting any forward momentum.</p>

i would be a theatre major, so hahaahaha</p>

<p>One of the most common things I overhear walking through the cafeteria is “he’s so hot, but he’s gay” or some variation thereof. Swear it’s true.</p>

<p>Also our GSA is very active. I’m on the e-board and this semester we’ve had a movie event and two discussions; coming up we’re hosting a drag ball, ‘sextival’, and a performer. We do a lot and are very visible on campus.</p>

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<p>ooo thats hot</p>

<p>A slightly intoxicated couple sat next to me on the couch at a Halloween party, he commented to his date to the effect that no one liked him or something and she replied by assuring him that any of the girls in the room would be lucky to go out with him and indeed would, being in a strange and funny mood I commented, “Yeah, even I would go out with you,” needless to say I later found out that for lack of a better looking date he might have taken me up on my offer. There is a healthy gay population on campus and from what I have seen of the theatre department over the years it looks to be a very professional and well run group. I am not a student, but my girlfriend is. Good luck, it is a great school.</p>

<p>“She was telling me how the Young Republicans club has really not had much luck in getting any forward momentum.” - terwitt</p>

<p>Now that warms my heart. :slight_smile: I remember during our visit in January there were still a ton of Obama signs in several windows in every dorm. I didn’t see a single McCain or Palin sign. :slight_smile: I’d describe Muhlenberg as a “normal” left of center college (most colleges outside the South and Southwest I think are left of center politically) but it’s not extreme left. It’s not Oberlin, which to me is off the charts left.</p>

<p>I know of at least 2 McCain/Palin supporters at Muhlenberg, it is not without its diversity of political opinions, but it is, in the end, an American institution of higher education. My GFs roomie is hardcore Republican and many of her friends share the same conservative values while politically and socially they are liberal
but not the secular progressive kind of liberal dirtbags

<p>The Republican club is not exactly struggling, it is alive and well and like I said somewhere else, the students tend to be tolerant and respectful on both sides whereas here at Ursinus my McCain sticker on my door was vandalized on several occasions with both racial and social malice intended
you can just imagine what they wrote on my whiteboard
I would probly get banned here for repeating it
along the same lines or National Coming Out Day was marred by an anti-Gay chalking campaign that included several instances of “God hates F**s” plastered all over the sidewalks and buildings.</p>

<p>fly the helo - D said during the election cycle, there were only two McCain/Palin posters in dorm room windows, that anyone knew of, throughout all of the campus.</p>

<p>Again, they may have a Republican club, but from what daughter says, it’s very small, and does not have a big presence on campus. My daughter was friends with one of its members last year, and knows who those students are. She has overheard some of their public conversations (in public areas) discussing their frustration with growing their ranks. This is what I was basing my perspective on.</p>

<p>I’m going to Muhlenberg next year as a freshman and I’m gay. I’m scared about what to expect
what’s the overall atmosphere like there for a glbt student?</p>

<p>Does Muhlenberg do a Day of Silence observance?</p>

<p>Are glbt clubs active?</p>

<p>As a queer woman at Muhlenberg, I’ve never felt uncomfortable or unsafe being out. My experience has been that this campus in general is very accepting and nobody really cares if you’re gay or straight or whatever. I think you’ll really only have issues if you try to push your sexuality in people’s faces. </p>

<p>We don’t do Day of Silence. You can’t really do that in college since you’re expected to speak in class. We do have “Queer Week” though, where we have events related to GLBTQ issues, and so on.</p>

<p>As for clubs, the Gay-Straight Alliance is very active, and the (newly-formed this semester!) Feminist Collective has a lot of queer members as well. And, of course, there’s the Theatre Association. (lol)</p>

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<p>That’s a huge relief
I was tormented quite a bit by classmates on the Day of Silence, so it will be so nice just being in an open-minded atmosphere.</p>