Gee Dubs!

<p>Hey everyone!</p>

<p>I'm coming down to DC in the spring as a part of that famed junior year spring break college tour rendezvous, and GW is the last stop! I cant wait to come visit because I've been reading about GW and doing research and getting excited about it for nearly a year.
But I'm wondering some things, before I come..
1) Is it true that GW has a city school type of layout (i.e. buildings interspersed throughout the regular city like NYU as opposed to a "gated" campus placed inside a city such as Columbia, or Yale)
2) If that ^ is true what does GW do, if anything, to create a sense of community?
3) What, in your humble (or not so..;)) opinion is the BEST thing about GW
4) Do a high concentration of GW students focus on political academic concentrations to the point where students attending who AREN'T studying these things feel out of place? For example, I've been thinking about neuroscience and psych related would that sort of student fare in the GW environment?
5) Does anyone have any personal experience with the Jewish life on campus? Good, bad, in between?
6) What sort of scores (in addition to good essays, recs, etc) does admissions gravitate towards? So basically, purely numbers wise, where does GW land? </p>

<p>Anything else anyone would like to chip in about would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!</p>

<li>while gwu is in the city and its buildings are interspersed throughout the city, unlike nyu and other city schools, nearly every building is owned by gwu…so gwu has a huge influence in the foggy bottom section of dc…for gwu banners and buildings are almost everywhere</li>
<li>for me it was being right in the city of dc. it is the ONLY school right IN the city, blocks from the main attraction points of dc, such as the white house, capitol builidng, museums, etc. while other schools such as american, georgetown, are in dc, they have more traditional campuses and are outside of the hustle and bustle of the city of dc. also, another big plus for me about gw, is it has its own metro station, which makes traveling easy</li>
<li>gw is a very politically active school…i think even the princeton review rated it one of the most politically active in the nation…however, not being so interested in politics does not make these students feel left out bc there will be plenty of students who feel the same way…there are tons of other majorsss that are far distant from politics…so i wouldnt let that affect a persons decision on attending or not</li>
<li>i have no expericne, however there is a strong presence of jewish students who attend gwu…good bad or in between i dont know</li>
<li>in my honest opinion, based on my own experience…gw looks more at extracurricular activities and how active you are to determine if you are a good fit for gw…my scores were well below the avgs given on collegeboard for gw…but i had a lot of extracurriculars to make up for it</li>

<h1>6 Makes me happy :slight_smile: because right now my SAT scores on the practice tests (taking them on the 24…) are mediocre (2100ish range), but my ECs are good I think. By good I mean I didn’t do thousands of things, but I have 4 things that I’m extremely focused in have taken leadership roles in.</h1>

<p>but anyways, thanks for your input :)</p>

<p>2100 is not a mediocre SAT score.</p>

<p>1) Is it true that GW has a city school type of layout (i.e. buildings interspersed throughout the regular city like NYU as opposed to a “gated” campus placed inside a city such as Columbia, or Yale) YES
2) If that ^ is true what does GW do, if anything, to create a sense of community? YES
3) What, in your humble (or not so…) opinion is the BEST thing about GW GWU
4) Do a high concentration of GW students focus on political academic concentrations to the point where students attending who AREN’T studying these things feel out of place? For example, I’ve been thinking about neuroscience and psych related studies…how would that sort of student fare in the GW environment? YES
6) What sort of scores (in addition to good essays, recs, etc) does admissions gravitate towards? So basically, purely numbers wise, where does GW land? 1950S OR SO. BY THE WAY, 2100 IS FAR FROM MEDIOCRE, AND I WOULD TAKE BACK THAT PERCEPTION. BESIDES, GW LOOKS AT THE WHOLE PACKAGE, NOT JUST THE SCORE. GOOD LUCK.</p>

<p>Wait, #2 isn’t an answer…“What does GW do to create a sense of community?” YES :wink: haha, nice try though!</p>

<p>I guess my perception of SAT scores is way off because I’ve also been looking at the boards for other colleges I’m interested in and a lot of the kids on those are freaking out because of their 2200s. But like I said, there are certain things I know little about regarding GW, ergo I asked them here! So thanks for letting me know :)</p>

<p>Denebola: sorry about number 2! my bad, I read:does GW do to create a sense of community?"
Good luck, just remember any school is what you make of it, and also here in CC, SAT scores may be looked down, but the adcoms have the ultimate word!</p>

<p>for most schools a 2100 is an automatic acceptance, but when you look at the highly selective schools it’s easy to get discouraged. for GW im pretty sure you’re fine, esp. if you apply ED. GW is one of those schools that wants people who want to go there and they take most of their class ED. If you like GW the best when you visit definitely apply ED because they’ll probably snap you up.</p>

<p>I love the people here who post stuff like 2100 and say mediocre to get an ego massage
Odds are you are probably gonna get in and you already knew that</p>

<p>tell me about it…i got a 1750 and i was happy with that…or a 1180 out of 1600</p>

<p>Not really looking for an ego booster at all actually, I’m looking for perspective, which I’ve been given. </p>

<p>2100 is fine, duly noted. Moving on. </p>

<p>I still want to know more about GW, things I can’t have learned from obsessively reading the website/brochures etc. Fill me in!!</p>

<p>Denebola, we can’t tell you what to write on your essay “why GW”
if possible you have to go and see it for yourself
There is a bus leaving from NYC for 25 dollars you are there in 3 hrs, if you can make it from NH to NY.
When I wrote about what I liked, I had a solid idea, for I had seen it with my own eyes.</p>

<p>I’m not looking for topics for an essay! I’m sorry that CC is abused by people looking for ego boosters and easy answers to “why (insert university here)?” essays, and that that behavior by some has stereotyped the mere questions of others. I wasn’t looking for anything opportunistic like that, I promise!</p>

<p>I just wanted to hear people’s enthusiasm for their school…nevermind I suppose.</p>

<p>I think it is best to visit and see it for yourself. Then, you will see how it feels to you personally. Good luck</p>

<p>Denebola: Good luck in finding your niche, but for your own good, visit this school or any school you are applying, because then is when you really know if that fits you. Sometimes you see a school in pictures, and indeed is beautiful, popular etc, but it just doesn’t smell right, literally ( no offense to American University, great school, but that happened to me when I visited and I took it off my list). I love my school and made the right decision, but I regret applying to too many other schools (and the money spent) without visiting until I was accepted. For example Indiana Bloomington, big dissapointment for me, huge, cold looking, in the middle of nowhere, but if you look at the pix, is the most beautiful school, greatest EC life,etc… right?
Good Luck</p>

<p>Haha, funny you should mention AU because that was on our list of places to visit along with GWU when we come down in April. </p>

<p>This is slightly unrelated question, but I went to DC way back in 2002 and ate at a restaurant called Georgia Brown’s, which was literally some of the best food I’ve ever eaten in my life…has anyone else eaten there? (I know this is COMPLETELY random) </p>

<p>I really can’t wait to visit though! I got their view book in the mail yesterday, which made me smile. And then I found out that their mascot is the hippo! Which is my second favorite animal, so that also made me smile :)</p>