general chemistry for engineers

Hello, I am a chemical engineering major and I just finished off general chemistry for engineers with an A. At my school in gen chem for eng, they fit gen chem I & II into one semester. I was wondering if this matters to medical schools? I know they require I & II and 8 credits of chemistry but will the understand this? I was told by someone that I have to take gen chem 2 otherwise I will get filtered out when applying to medical school because I do not reach the “credit requirement” for general chemistry.

Medical schools are not uniform in their policies regarding pre-reqs. Some will allow reasonable substitutions for the 2 semesters of gen chem requirement; others won’t. You may need to take an additional semester of chemistry–either gen chem 2 or a semester of inorganic or analytic chemistry with lab. (Med schools seem to be more picky about lab credit requirements. You need 2 semesters of general/inorganic/analytic chem lab credits and most schools are very inflexible about that.)

Unfortunately, the only thing you can do is contact individual school’s admission offices and ask. I would at a minimum contact all of your state public med schools to ask about their policies.

You should also consult with the health professions office at your undergrad. If your university has a track record of sending students to med school, they have dealt with this issue before and may have some answers

BTW this–

just isn’t true. Medical schools do not verify pre-reqs until AFTER you have been accepted and your final transcript has been received.

You could, however, find yourself in the untenable position where you’ve been accepted to a med school, and then in May or June find out you’re short a chemistry class and won’t be allowed to enroll.