General thread on SAT 2 prep books

<p>OK, while looking over the forum I noticed that no one has a standard for which companies publish books that are useful or that help get a good score, so I was wondering if other people could add their thoughts and then we could compile it into a grid of some sorts.
their are three main companies which publish books for most of the subjects. please copy this form and add your comments and suggestions</p>

Princeton Review:</p>

<p>US History:
World History:</p>


<p>Math 1:
Math 2:</p>


<p>Here is my opinion (mine only, use at your own peril)</p>

<p>Kaplan: generally informative, but can be long
Barron: VERY HARD, use if aiming for an 800 and have lots of time on your hands
Princeton Review: covers the overarching themes, which is good… but does not get into the nitty gritty.</p>

<p>US History: Princeton Review, Kaplan contains too much detail
World History: Kaplan, gives a good summary of details without making you memorize thousands of names and dates like Barron</p>

<p>Literature: Barron, for once offers a clear list of terms and good diagnostic test and practice examples</p>

<p>Math 1: look below
Math 2: None, they all have problems. if you want an 800, go Barron. if you want to do well on the practice tests and feel good, Kaplan</p>

<p>Biology: Other, the AP Prentice book is the only one which actually covers everything you need to know, but it is a bit (haha) large.
Physics: Kaplan, explains the formulas and subsections without scaring you with memorization
Chemistry: Princeton Review, chemistry is hard… Princeton Review explains how to deal with it</p>

<p>Barron’s = Most precise/difficult, will get you most prepared.
PR = Takes too long to introduce topics, and test-taking strategies.</p>

<p>But either of these is FAR better than 5-steps-to-a-five.
Those books spend chapters talking about attack plans and how to build confidence and sleep the night before, etc. Not useful</p>

<p>I personally prefer Kaplan, they get the point across better, but they also just do not prepare you for the math sat 2s</p>

<p>Kaplan: Generally the middle of the road between Barron’s and PR
Barron: More comprehensive, way too hard practice tests
Princeton Review: Concise (usually too concise), realistic practice tests</p>

<p>US History: AMSCO for long term, REA for cramming. AMSCO is basically a mini textbook but cuts out all the unnecessary detail found in textbooks (though only 1 practice test). REA is much briefer but still a great review (also has 6 practice tests).
World History: AP Barron’s by far. Yes, I mean get the Barron’s AP World History book and use that for SAT 2. If you read it all (not cram), it’s pretty much a guaranteed 750+.</p>

<p>Literature: Not aware</p>

<p>Math 1: Princeton Review. Kaplan and Barron’s are terrible here.
Math 2: Princeton Review if you just want a quick review, Barron’s if you want a thorough overly difficult review (i.e. your goal = 800).</p>

<p>Biology: Either Barron’s or PR is good so I hear
Physics: PR
Chemistry: I’m personally using Barron’s. It has a great review section but it takes a while to get through</p>