Geneseo Honors or Bucknell?

<p>Hi, all. I'm glad to say that I've been accepted to both the Honors program at SUNY Geneseo and to Bucknell University. However, I now find myself faced with a very difficult choice. My goal is to go to the college that will give me the best academic opportunities possible, as well as to the college that will look best to graduate schools. So far, guidance councelors have not been of much help. So, which college do you believe is a better choice? Geneseo Honors or Bucknell? (Money is not the deciding factor here, however the vast difference in tuitions would push me towards Geneseo if the two colleges are of nearly equal quality). I have less than a week to make this decision, so quick responses would be GREATLY appreciated.</p>

I realize that Bucknell's campus is of higher quality, but this is not my deciding factor. I find Geneseo to be perfectly livable, so please do not answer based upon how each school looks. Thanks!</p>