Geology in the West

<p>Can anyone recommend well-respected undergrad geology programs in the west?</p>

<p>I am currently at the University of Idaho (is this a reputable program?) and am looking to transfer (for social reasons). So far I have enjoyed the program here, but then again I haven't yet had upper division geology courses. </p>

<p>The reason I am at U of I is because they award instate tuition to transfers with a 3.0. My residency is in Wisconsin and Michigan. So its a bit of a struggle to find affordable universities in the west, geology is best out here no? (I am not considering returning to the midwest at this point. p.s. I'm not an ivies kid ;))</p>

<p>This is probably a stupid question, but I'm a first generation student and not sure on how everything works, but can someone explain a master's degree in geology? As I understand it you take classes the first year and then get into research?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance for reading my ignorant, long post and for any replies.</p>

<p>USC has a good Geology program. You would have to contact the FA office to see if they offer FA for transfer students. Here is a link to the Earth Sciences program
[USC</a> Earth Sciences](<a href=“]USC”>
Other U’s with very good programs are U of Wash, CALTech. Berkeley and Stanford[ the last 3 are considered to be among the best geology programs in the country, but it is next impossible to transfer into CT or Stanford].</p>

<p>haha oh U of I. I’m from coeur d’ alene so I’m quite familiar with why you want out of there. I’m also a geology major trying to transfer so if you want to stay west i’d recommend that you check out whitman, most of the UC schools, colorado school of mines, univ. colorado boulder, basically any of the large state public school will have geosciences. pretty much any school is an improvement from moscow though so good luck!</p>