Geometry requirement

I lived in India for three years (middle school) and had already finished geometry as in integrated math, geometry is finished quite early on. I came back to the U.S and took algebra one freshmen year of high school by mistake, not knowing of the different levels of math. I am now a sophomore, and I am wondering what the geometry UC requirement is? In my situation, since geometry is a UC requirement, is it possible to skip ALG II?
Thank you,

Read page 11, 13, and 17 to see if it answers your question about geometry.

Many UC bound students take math another year or two beyond Geometry. Normally they take Algebra 2 (the next sequence after geometry) which covers trigonometry in the 2nd half of the year. After Algebra 2, many also go on to pre-calculus, which covers analytical geometry and trigonometry. You want to be as competitive a candidate as possible and go at least a year beyond the minimum requirements, which I recall is geometry.

@jjdonuts my kids all took geometry as part of their homeschool before entering high school, the high school would not recognize their homeschool geometry credit so they each took a state ‘credit by exam’ test. Is this an opption for you?

For most Southern Californian public schools, it goes:
Algebra 1, then Geometry, then Algebra 2, then whatever math you’d like to take (stats, calculus, etc)
The perfect time for you to take geometry would be now