
Hi, I’m currently a senior with a 3.9 weighted GPA. I got a 1310 on my UC, 5 on the calc AB test, and I am scheduled to take the AP calc BC year in may. However, I have not taken geometry. Over the course of four years I have taken 6 AP courses and have not gotten lower than a B. Can I get into a UC without geometry?

AP CALC BC TEST* (not year)

Geometry is a hard requirement.

Here is what the UC’s state about the Geometry requirement:
** A geometry course or an integrated math course with a sufficient amount of geometry content must be completed. Approved integrated math courses may be used to fulfill part or all of this requirement, as may math courses taken in the seventh and eighth grades if the high school accepts them as equivalent to its own courses.

All applicants must complete a Geometry course. No higher level courses can be used to validate an omission of Geometry.**

You filled out the UC application and you were able to submit without the Geometry requirement.

What Math classes have you taken?

I have completed Alegbra 2, trig/math analysis, AP calc AB, and AP calc BC is in progress

What did you have before Algebra 2? Geometry is typically earlier in the sequence.

It”s usually Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, Pre-Calc/Trig, Calc…

I came from a school district that only provided common core math. In 8th grade my math course was “8th grade common core math”. Although I learned geometry in that class, it doesn’t count towards credits for geometry according to the counselors at that district

Common Core Math is Integrated Math. If you took Integrated Math II, then you have fulfilled the Geometry requirement.

I’d add - with a sub 4 GPA, you aren’t going to be competitive for most of the UCs.

UCR and UCM will be your best bet.

Hoping you applied broadly.