<p>Anyone have any information on this school, besides what's on the website? It's ranked like #36 by US NEWS and is considered the fastest, rising law program ever.</p>
<p>Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks.</p>
<p>Anyone have any information on this school, besides what's on the website? It's ranked like #36 by US NEWS and is considered the fastest, rising law program ever.</p>
<p>Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks.</p>
<p>It's located near Washington D.C. and that is the reason for its rise. If it were located in the country farmland, it would be of much significance given its relative youth.</p>
<p>I hear it's an excellent school. I work out with an attorney who went there and he says it's tough, but aq very good school. I hear that you have to take a quantative analysis course, which from what I gather is business calculus. I had this in undergrad, so I kind of know what to expect. They also have an early acceptance. From what all I've heard and seen, they are good.</p>
<p>anyone else.</p>
<p>I live within a few blocks of it, it’s in a nice (but very expensive) area. All I can tell you is that the GMU law school is significantly more prestigious than it’s undergrad school.</p>
<p>From what I have heard GMU is very strong in economics and law. This is probably a large reason why it is becoming so highly regarded.</p>
<p>anyone else have details?</p>
<p>I worked with several current and former students this summer. They were friendly and hardworking. From what I heard, their recruiting (ie, which firms come to campus looking for summer associates) isn’t at the level of a T14 school, or even of GW, but it’s pretty good.</p>