George Washington University - Chance Me!

Recently I selected George Washington University as my top pick for when I apply this fall. My Ivy-attending friends say that GWU would be a match for my stats, but I wanted more opinions. I’ve always wanted to attend a university in D.C. for the obvious political capital of being in the nation’s capital, and I think GWU would be a perfect fit for me!

I plan to apply early decision to the School of Media and Public Affairs at GWU for political communication. What are my chances and should I apply test-optional?

-White, middle class male
-GAY with a nightmare of a coming out story to unaccepting parents (talked about in essay)
-I go to a private high school with rigorous courses in Fort Wayne, IN.
-Very outgoing and have already made in-person connections with multiple GWU admissions counselors

Academic Stats:
-GPA: 3.90 uw (3.93 w)
-SAT: 1290 (640w, 650m) - I am retaking, but may apply test-optional as it does not reflect my abilities (suggestions??)**
-AP’s: US History (5) English Language (4) - I am taking 5 AP’s my senior year
-Rank: school doesn’t rank (annoying) but I’m probably in top 10-15% of my class (180 students)

-Communications intern (2 years): paid/unpaid intern for school communications office, 20+ hours/week
-Bath and Body Works (2 years): key holder (management position) 35+ hours/week
-Aeropostale (2 years): lead sales associate, 25+ hours/week
-Student Council (4 years): class president 3 years, representative freshman year
-Elementary Immigrant Tutoring (3 years): co-founder and leader of group of 40+ tutors who go to local elementary school
-Honors Academy (4 years): inaugural group, must maintain high academic standards and do 100+ hrs community service
-School Scholar and Ambassador (4 years): one of three in class of, represent school to community, received $2,500/yr
-Students for Social Change (2 years): VP, promote social activism to school administration and student body
-CANstruction (3 years): team captain, helped design and fund-raise for 6,000+ can structure
-Church sound system operator (6 years): ran sound, video, and recording system at church 36+ hours/yr
-Helping Hands (2 years): volunteer across community for those in need
Spanish dialogue (2 years): participate in Spanish conversations at local college to practice skills
-National Honors Society (2 years): participant


George Washington is definitely LGBT friendly- I’m a heterosexual male but nonetheless made a few gay acquaintances this last spring semester, my first semester at George Washington University. I can assure you that you will feel safe here and that there are a variety of night clubs that are oriented towards serving LGBT’s. You will definitely have a blast. But be warned it’s not cheap. Btw here’s a story- I’m in the business school, GWSB, and took a a core requirement called “career development” this last spring semester. The professor teaching that course, Anthony Shop, was unafraid to tell us on the first day that he has a husband, is a CEO and has founded his own startup. Anyways, students at George Washington tend to be very internship driven, but are not necessarily incredibly academically driven like Ivy-League students or even Georgetown. There’s certainly more sexiness and fervor the further you go along the spectrum of prestigious colleges. I can assure you though George Washington is still far up there. It’s a hard school- both hard to get into and hard to graduate from- but it’s certainly a wonderful departure from the traditional college experience and appeals to very self-motivated and professionally driven students. Your GPA definitely makes you a very competitive candidate and I really think that and your course load are mostly what the admission committee cares about. You just have to remember to stay positive when when you’re explaining your some of your extracurriculars activities entail- admissions committees are trying to understand you. I hope that you get in and good luck!

i think you could def get in with those stats. u should probably even apply somewhere harder to get into