George Washington University Class of 2025 (ED1/2/RD)

I still cant see my cost of attendance. I hope this doesnt mean anything.

so Monday 5 pm or do we not know anything as usual :))


why would it be monday?

I think it is a guess since we thought it was Friday, then Saturday, now Monday.


i’m pretty sure last year, gwu posted that decisions would be out. so i think it’s pretty safe to assume that that will also happen this year on the day they’re released.

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yep, decisions are most likely going to be released this friday (i think)


I hope it’s before friday :confused:


We all hope. However, GW’s tradition is to release RD decisions on Fridays. So… I will advise you to come to terms with the fact that you have to wait longer. The results may be unexpectedly early, but I would not get my hopes up.

I’m going to choose to remain hopeful for today or tomorrow :slight_smile: no need to worry about me


Fordham broke tradition this year.


Unfortunately, Fordham’s decision to break off the tradition says nothing about what GW university will do. There is no way to predict.


anyone wanna chance me to kill time while waiting?
OOS CA for polsci

  • 34 ACT
  • HS doesn’t rank or provide weighted GPA
  • 2.97 UW GPA
  • Sophomore level standing at local community college (GPA 3.2)
  • ECs include congressional internship, TA for undergrad polsci classes, president of youth group chapter, founded HS club, coordinated regional convention for 350+ attendees, couple others
  • Great LORs, good essays (explain the low GPA)

Are you full pay or do you need financial aid. ? Did your essays indicate that GW was a top choice? Even with explaining the GPA , your CC GPA is decent but not great either TBH. I would think waitlist.

full pay/loans (begrudgingly), essays didn’t specifically identify them as a top choice but I think were still strong

where have you gotten accepted already, and what is your top choice?

Im visiting Dc tmrw and I thought it would be out already IT BETTER BE TN

accepted to pitt, udel, gettysburg, couple other safeties, I’ll be going to pitt if not GW


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Why are they holding onto my rejection can’t they just release it god damn