George Washington University Class of 2025 (ED1/2/RD)

im stalking their admissions twitter like they’re my ex


anyone want to chance me?

oos (ca) for intl. affairs

  • 3.5 gpa
  • 34 act
  • ECs - swim teacher since freshman year, political internship with a congressional candidate, MUN for 3 years w/ one best delegate award, mentor for middle schoolers
  • great LORs+essays
  • extenuating circumstances to explain my gpa (i was very sick my freshman and sophomore years) plus an upward trend in my grades

im actually crying

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Can someone chance me

Major: Political Science/History
GPA: 3.8 weighted (Fresh-Junior)
Junior Weighted GPA: 4.33
Senior Weighted GPA: 4.88
SAT: 1530

Good essays? I hope
Great LORs
Applied to Honors College

ECs: 5 Campaign Internships, Field Director position on Senate Campaign, Public Relations Officer in History Club, National Honor Society, SS Honor Society, 3yr MUN, AAU Basketball


Im wondering if anyone would also mind chancing my daughter. Shes really into gw, absolutely loves DC area, but we honestly knew nothing about tracked interest until last month as the guidance counselors at her HS dont care and do as little as possible, even finding her somewhat of a pain bc she wanted mostly OOS schools. I tried to help as much as possible but I only handled this process with a CC, so thats much different and easier

She has a 3.85 uw 4.04 w
No test scores reported
Very strong LORs, great essays but Im pretty sure Im biased there but she had other teachers etc look them over too
Accepted for for first choice of neuroscience or neurobiology depending on the school: WVU, OSU (also premed route), UCSD, UCD & Syr
WL: Sarah Lawrence
Denied: NYU, UCLA, Northeastern

AP- gov, world his, US his, psych, calc, bio, engl, lit, studio art
All other core classes were honors including STEM and Human A & P as thats the highest offered but there is no grade bump for honors here.
ECs: Art I-II, Theater I-II, French I-III; Won school art show (10) & talent show (9 & 10), Published as the cover artist on annual county HS & Middle school student literary magazine (11) & as 3rd place HS Artist (12), Has won several local singing competitions, performed as Ursula her final year of Guild Builders (9) & then helped establish a teen program for those who aged out

Main ECs were:
Student council (9-12); VP(11), Sec(12); Traveled to WVASC (9-11), LEAD DC conferences for natstuco (9-10), LEAD Chicago (11) once and then nationals in Minnesota (10)

NHS 11-12, PR(12)
Thespians (9-12), VP (12); Awarded State-All Cast (11)
Key Club (9-12)
Teen Hospital Volunteer (9-12 w/500+ hours)
Senior Cabinet (12)

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has anyone tried calling admissions or do they just say by the end of march?

I think she has a great chance–good luck!

Your statistics are above average and I think you have a great chance–good luck!

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Your ACT score is above average, but if I had to guess, I think you have a great chance. Good luck!


Your ACT score is awesome and the fact that you have experience at a local college stands out. I think they might balance out your GPA, but once again, I’m not an officer–I just want to motivate students waiting for decisions because I know how it feels. Good luck!


anyone know if they release merit and Honors College decisions at the same time as RD?


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thank you!

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Can someone chance me?
4.261 W GPA freshman-junior year (this is what was submitted)
All honors/ 2 APs, 4.86 W GPA senior year
All As and one B mid year grades
No test scores (I took the ACT once and got a 28 but did not submit)

Results so far:
Accepted to fordham, Chapman and CU Boulder Waitlisted at Bucknell
Deferred from WashU ED1
Rejected from UVA

Good ECs and Recs, competitive HS. A third reference from my boss was sent late by email and they never responded. Did this happen to anyone else?

Econ major/ polisci minor

Hi, everyone! Can someone chance me?

4.575 W/4.0 UW
34 ACT
International Baccalaureate Diploma Candidate
International leadership position with Educational Theatre Association (serving ~150,000 students), 5 political campaigns, president of 3 clubs at school, student council, NHS, 1500 volunteer hrs
Good LORs
Very good essays
Philosophy major

So excited to hear back from GW! Good luck, everyone! :slight_smile:

Might I remind members of the forum rules: “Our forum is expected to be a friendly and welcoming place, and one in which members can post without their motives, intelligence, or other personal characteristics being questioned by others."

Several posts, which I deleted, bordered on bullying, which is unacceptable. Please be mindful.


Which “chance” are you looking for ? Do you have a favorite of these & did you do any others RD ?

GWU is a great school, but UCSD is also an excellent option, especially for her major! (coming from a CA native so I’m a little biased :rofl:)

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Totally agreed its an amazing school especially for neuro, coming from OOS its still a little more than we will probably be able to do, tho not entirely out of the picture, its a long shot. I hate a lot of the scholarships she qualifies for we wont hear from until after she has already needed to make a decision. Still waiting to hear from gw, bu, usc, & washu, before she makes any decision- all of which are private so theres usually more funding available for low income OOS students. Of course that means theres also more competition. My niece graduated last year and it seemed like there were sooooo many more scholarships available. (Or more likely, the opportunities for her to win small awards thru the year weren’t canceled all year long as they have been for this year seniors)

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