GWU RD Class of 2024!

Hey everyone, I just thought I should open up a discussion for everyone who’s planning on applying to GWU RD. :slight_smile:

I am! Does anyone know when decisions come out? Last year it looked like late March but my mom thinks that’s really late.

I’m thinking late march too. Hopefully it comes out earlier!

Hey all! Im admitted to ED and I would love to get to know you guys!
Dont hesitate to dm or snap me!

ig: so_yjy
Sc: jiyoonnee

I’ll add you!! : )

Hi guys! GWU is one of my top schools so I’m super excited to hear back! (hopefully before late March lol)

Has anyone received anything or been given information on a portal to check on the status of your application. This is the only college where we have not yet received any information from.

@sarrip I got an email about 2 days after I submitted my application. Check to see if it went to spam. If not, check with the admissions office to see if they sent it.

Thank you. Perhaps because it is break or holiday it’s taking longer. She just submitted it after Christmas.

@Sarrip That’s most likely the reason. GW is closed right now, so their systems are probably down. It’ll likely get sent once the adcom office opens again.

I applied around 4 days ago, haven’t heard anything back yet.

nevermind, just received it! haha

does anyone else’s financial aid show up as not received?

Mine says that I have missing documents, but when I try to log into GWeb to see what they are, I have to input a pin that I don’t have, so I have to set up a security question, but the office is closed so I can’t call and do that until GW is open again. :frowning:

Hello - I’m a bit unclear about the application requirements. Are the supplemental essays optional or do we have to pick 1 of the prompts to answer?

i believe that they’re optional, but i did it.

@marchmarchmarch It’s completely optional

@izrk02 My daughter applied 12/31, got portal link a couple of days later but now it shows she is missing transcript, application, etc. She emailed them this morning but, of course being Sunday, hasn’t heard back. I am hoping their is either a lag time to transfer the information from Naviance (which says everything was transmitted) or a glitch in the GW system. This is so stressful! Why do colleges have due dates on days when their offices are closed?

same here, my school also uses naviance and i double checked everything was submitted, but the portal for gwu itself says that the only thing it’s received are my test scores. i used common app to submit, and it says it’s submitted on the website but does not say the same on the portal.

same. it also said that i didn’t apply for financial aid (i did), so i have to fix that. i think it might just take a week or so to update transcripts, etc.