George Washington University Fall 2019 transfers

I also don’t know if they get back to people with better GPA or Resume first or not. But last year I applied to one top Ivy league and I knew that I wasn’t one of the top candidates (since the acceptance rate was less than 5% for transfers ) and they got back to me VERY late when so many people already got their letters at least a month before. And I ended up getting waitlisted. I hated them for that. Basically, I think they wanted to secure all seats with better candidates first and then send out other letters.
IDK if GW is like that too. but that is my experience with another school.
Btw, I am pre-med and a science major. I applied to Columbian college. IDK if different colleges or schools in GW have different timings.

@TrippleAA I called them that week it had nothing to do with top gpa or resumes. if anything it looks like international students received notification. Im also a pre med science major and applied to Columbian college.

anyone hear anything?

@TripleAA I think you’re right, me and my friend are both international students and we received our decisions May 22

No update for me yet.

same here

@gwuhope I see, as I said I wasn’t sure how their process works, that was only my experience with another uvi. I hope you guys hear back soon. I am also not an international student.

I saw on gwadmissions instagram that they had their transfer admitted students program last night. Lol idk what this means

@gwuhope Wow I saw that as well. I’m not sure what to make of that. That made me a bit more anxious aha.

@gwuhope I’m not sure what to think of it either. I hope that they’ll still be rolling out decisions. When I spoke with admissions they said that they only had a small amount of acceptances either International or in particular programs that were given acceptance 3 weeks ago and that more are to come. I couldn’t get a definite response as to when though.

I also noticed that the housing applications open for newly admitted transfers on Tuesday June 11th. I would assume that they would release decisions before that date. That is if there are more prior to rejections.

@Miniman1673 yea I saw that. im so confused because if they don’t release decisions soon we won’t get housing. its been more than 6 weeks since the deadline. I dont want to get impatient but it’s kinda irritating lol

Did we all just not get in if we didn’t hear back? I hope that isn’t the case… or maybe we are going to get Spring admission??

I thought they only released decisions for international students? Idk if im not reading all the way but im kind of confused

@yikestm thats what someone said but i dont know anymore. its possible everyone left is denied or offered spring admission. hope thats not the case tho

@DCtransferr2019 @yikestm Out of the few on here that were accepted one said there were not an International applicant. It’s hard to say when and if more are coming. I did call the other day and asked about my Spring transcripts I sent in and took that opportunity to ask additional questions. They said that a small number were accepted International and a small number in another area. She said that more decisions will be coming. What type of decisions rej/accept who knows.

Last year was the 1st year using the new portal and it seems as far as I can tell by the thread that in mid May there were a small group then again a large group May 3st. The next group wasn’t until July and they were offered Spring.

All we can do is hope more people can get in for the fall of 2019

For the past three years approx 1200-1500 transfer are admitted and about half that enroll there was about 20 people at the admitted transfer night. So there is some hope.

I was not a international student and I was accepted and at the Admitted student reception the majority there were non- international students