George Washington University Transfer

@msport Have you already deposited? And if so, do they give you your credit transfer report afterward?

@niiniin i got my transfer evaluation in my decision email… kind of a spoiler alert no?

Email title: Decision Posted

Contents: alkdjfa;kdj you can check your decision online ladkjf;adslfj

followed by: your transfer credit evaluation is available.

in . the same email!! LOL. they took all of my credits.

Hopefully we’ll get a couple more decisions today…

Really hoping that someone hears something today. I really want my decision (obviously lmao) but I’ll be happy if anyone hears anything tbh. Good luck everyone :slight_smile:

Same!! I wish they could just tell us already. Do you what time they sent letters out last week?

I think around 5pm. So in about an hour

I wonder why GW decided to push their transfer deadline a month and a half later? This is unusually late to hear replies back compared to other area schools.

Nothing today for me. I’m confused as to why they sent out a small wave of decisions last week and there appears to be nothing since then. GW is the only school I applied to transfer to soooo

Another day, another day without a decision…:frowning:

I have to give my decision to another school soon! But I’m still waiting for George Washington!! This is super lateeeee

Well it isn’t early June anymore, so now we’re in the middle of the month waiting for decisions. I really hope the university goes back to the regular March 1st deadline format next year, for next year transfers sake.

Anyone ??

Called today. They said decisions are going out, but could come as late as July.

So we don’t really know when. This is the worst :frowning:

Are you serious, July?! One guy said they told him all of them would be out by the 15th. They’re really jerking us around here.

hey, im the admin of the GWU fall 2018 transfer facebook group. message me if you’d like to be added!!

did they give a reason why decisions will be so late?

They wouldn’t give a reason, only that decisions were on the way.

On May 31st they told me that we’d hear “by mid June”. Hopefully this week. If we have to wait till July idk what im gonna tell my current college

I sent a really polite email today asking when decisions would be released and explaining that I needed to know soon because I have to respond to other colleges and they said: “I encourage you to continue checking your email, as transfer decisions are being sent out in waves throughout the month of June.” Thanks for that amazing advice because I wasn’t already checking my email…eyeroll Honestly, I don’t want to be petty about this but I’m wanting to go to GW less and less based on how terrible the transparency is