Georgetown Admissions Fall 2022

I am not sure how to post links here but if you look up “Georgetown admitted students portal” you should find it. It is also in the Reddit thread for Georgetown is you scroll down a bit

Have people been able to successfully get on this before being notified of decison?

Usually if they could get into the portal it is a sign that they have been accepted but I’m pretty sure it won’t start working until a few hours before the decision.

Were you able to get in?

Nope, but it is a reach here so not expecting to!

Lol me too! Good luck to both of us :relaxed:

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When do the regular decisions come out this week?

we think tomorrow at 6 or 7 pm

I thought it was April 1st or March 31st

Any day now I would say, hoping Monday too.

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i think it only starts working before decision release. dww

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Ummmm. How bad is it if my counselor never submitted my mid year report? :grimacing: I didn’t realize it was missing because it didn’t show up as an item on my checklist.

Is tgere an instagram or any place to see when rd will be out? Or does gu never even give a day’s notice? Thank you!

6 et? Any info on time last year?

In the portal it says decision day is April 1st. Is this not accurate? Why is there so much speculation on it being today (not being combative, genuinely asking)?
Here is what I see in the top right corner of my portal:

I think it’s just people hoping it comes out today, but I’m hoping right up there with them

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Oh okay, thank you! Honestly, given how wonky admissions are this year, I wouldn’t be surprised if they pull a fast one LOL

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may have this same issue lmao

Based on the thread, the speculation stems from the fact that Georgetown announced RD results on the same date as GW in years past and GW’s decisions are scheduled for release tonight. As far as the portal, it still lists Dec 15 as the decision date for EA despite releasing on Dec 13, so I’d say the official date is roughly as reliable as random speculation on CC :confused:

Best of luck to everyone!


I had a similar issue although it was presumably before they concluded a decision on my application (which is probably not your case). My teachers did not send in my recommendations until a month after the due date (mid-Feb) and when I emailed admissions about it, they said:
“Thank you for your email. Your application will not be negatively impacted by late-arriving supporting documents, as we recognize that when these documents are submitted is largely outside of your control.”
Again, this was early February so I’m not sure if this reasoning would apply to your case, but I hope this helps!