Georgetown Chances

<p>I'll get to the point:</p>

Private Catholic Highschool
Upper Middle Class
4.12 GPA
1400 SAT
rank 31/350
31 ACT
8 APs, all 4's and 5's<br>
<em>only allowed to take 10 APs between junior and senior year</em>
1000+ hours of volunteer work (hospital, nursing home, shelters, etc)</p>

<p>*Solid EC's:
Student Government all 4 years
German Honor society
national honor society
3 time state finalist on Science Olympiad
President and founder of a few clubs
active in other clubs (community outreach clubs, fund raisers, etc)
many honors awards for outreach and academic achievement
big brother little brother
retreat team coordinator
etc, etc, these are just a few</p>

<p>*Solid essays (I love writing)</p>

<p>*cousin attended
Uncle is the Austrian Consulate for the US
Aunt is the Assistant Dean for Loyola Law School (also a Jesuit school)</p>

<p>*Have an interview lined up, I really love talking and am not shy at all, I love people.</p>

<p>Honest chances? Thanks guys!</p>

<p>You are definitely in dude. Your GPA, your SAT, your ACT, your EC's, your essay will guarantee your admission. Good Luck!</p>

<p>Ahhh I'm so nervous, interview is coming up in a few days :(</p>

<p>dont be nervous. you love talking to people right? so then be yourself and cool down.</p>

<p>Yeah good point.</p>

<p>anyone else have anything on my chances?</p>

<p>bump. the stress level is rising after looking at the accepted/rejected stats of past Georgetown applicants. god help me.</p>

<p>last bump. next step: google past acceptance stats of GU students.</p>