I’d suggest checking out the ig account georgetown.hotmess if you’re really wondering about Gtown.
Also, Gtown is regularly ranked among the worst dorms in the nation. They’ve had regular cases of black mold and flooding. Along with rats.
I’m not too sure about Northeastern, but I was also accepted and they look pretty decent as far as dorms go.
Speaking as an actual Georgetown student, the dorms and facilities are fine, not the best out there, but perfectly adequate such that they won’t distract you from what Georgetown really has to offer. No, it is not true that all buildings are old and bad: there are plenty of shining new buildings, including dorms, and some of the old buildings are actually quite nice as well. Yes, Georgetown Hotmess is real, but you see the 1% of worst cases on there, not the mundane everyday reality.
The food is decent, can be hit or miss, but there are options in terms of food with housing with kitchens after freshman year, some cheap eats nearby, etc.
I have not been to Northeastern so I can’t compare.
Overall most Georgetown facilities are not going to wow you (though a few will!), and you might roll your eyes at an issue or two on occasion, but a) they get the job done just fine and b) don’t come here for the facilities. I can assure you that academics, social life, professional opportunities, and the overall community at Georgetown impact my life far more than the facilities.
I know NE has risen in the rankings these days, but has it risen so much that the decision between it and Georgetown really comes down to food + dorms? Are you sure your priorities are straight? Or my perceptions may be outdated.
@RelicAndType For a lot of people, the dorms and food is what makes or breaks a college experience. If you dread going to the dining hall or going to your room, college probably won’t be fun. Especially if you really can’t decide between the two, dorms can help in the decision.
@RelicAndType I happen to agree with you generally but in the opposite direction for this specific situation. Lefto ut here is that for this student the COA of Georgetown is $200K total versus $0 at Northeastern after aid/scholarship.
That said, there’s only 16 spots between them on US News these days, and for some specific majors they are likely neck and neck for some.
OK wow thanks everyone, the progression of this thread was very interesting to read. Of course, as has been said, my decision does not come down to dorms and facilities, but it is a factor among many nonetheless.
I believe I m leaning towards Northeastern at this point.
Both of those schools are in the running for my HS senior. I know you said you got into honors for Northeastern but keep in mind that NuIn may not run and there are rumors of bringing those students on campus in fall. So those “better” dorm rooms could very well be forced triples. The students at Georgetown we’ve heard from said the freshman dorms leave a lot to be desired but the upper class housing they’ve had has been very good. I have personally eaten meals at Georgetown and they’re nothing to worry about. Seriously, dining hall food at ANY college will get mundane. Except for maybe UMass Amherst. Good luck with your decision, it’s certainly challenging under these circumstances.
How do you know that co-ops are gonna happen? All I’m saying is if these students are on campus they have to go somewhere. And then the cancelled co-op students have to go somewhere. If you’re not considering Georgetown over Northeastern bc of an account showing the absolutely worst things the campus has to offer, you may not be looking at the big picture.
There is a chance NU.in is in Boston but there is a near-zero chance it is using on-campus housing.
Most rooms would simply not even be possible to turn into forced triples. I don’t think this is a realistic option that would add any more than 50 beds.
I know of some that have put on hiring freezes but there are many still going ahead. This will certainly strain on-campus housing but won’t be a full co-op cycle of people. Also, many co-op students in Boston wouldn’t change their housing plans anyways based on co-op plans so this is really only going to affect non-local co-op’s who stop hiring for this cycle. Assuming that 20-40% of co-op’s being affected is reasonable, there’s about 5000 people on co-op per cycle, and 20% of co-op’s are non-local, that’s only 200-400 more people. A strain, but not incredibly dire to convert 2800 students worth of freshman housing into forced triples.
Here are IMO the most likely ways Northeastern adapts to this:
Allow second years to go off campus if they want (given that about half of students choose to go off campus after their second year, this could clear up as much as 1500 bed spaces, effectively solving the problem entirely)
Turn more apartment-style single rooms into double rooms. This would make more space for co-op students, leaving freshman unaffected (basically the only non-apartment style housing outside of international village, which also doesn't even have the space for forced triples)
Buy up more housing for the short term (which they have done in the past when they overenrolled). This is the only option that would actually potentially affect NU.in Boston as it may be off-campus and thus still technically being spring admits.
@keepmecruisin “If you’re not considering Georgetown over Northeastern bc of an account showing the absolutely worst things the campus has to offer, you may not be looking at the big picture.” Cannot agree more
The buildings on the campus of Harvard University are not exactly stunning to gaze at, and there are rats at the Houses close to the Charles River. Would you skip Harvard because of it?