Georgetown IFS versus UT PlanII

We are down to the wire making decisions between two fabulous options, and it boils down to Georgetown being a lot more expensive than UT PlanII, where we get in-state tuition. About $40,000 per year difference, which really adds up. The argument is that Georgetown would have smaller classes for International Economics than the Econ classes she would attend at UT if she chose PlanII. (PlanII classes are small).

I am having a hard time justifying the cost difference for programs that academically seem very equivalent… where Plan II is a broader education - and produces very impressive alumns, and Georgetown has a wonderful vibe about the whole place, the Jesuit philosophy in its education delivery, etc.

But $160,000 over 4 years pays for a wonderful MBA program… dunno what to tell my child.


Did you intend to type SFS because IFS does not pop up on their search bar?

Would going to Georgetown mean loans? Does your kid want to go to grad school?