<p>i need to decide between Georgetown (Technology Management) and George Mason(Applied IT) for a Graduation .
I have 5+ years of experience in IT as consultant .... fees is almost the same for both universities but which one to go for ...</p>
<p>Need some inputs,opinions, advice , any other help ....i am getting so confused .</p>
<p>??? Is this a real thread??? I thought it said something about picking between Georgetown and George mason but that can’t be right…lol. JK. Georgetown is of course the more prestigious school with a higher name but it come with a price…A huge price. If you are instate for George Mason I would go there and not kill yourself trying to pay for your education. Also GM is a pretty good school with a good reputation. Both school names will open doors but having GT on your resume will open more. Also which atmosphere did you like better? that also matters too. XD good luck!!!</p>
<p>“Technology Management with GT that it’s with the school of continuing studies.”</p>
<p>I’d look carefully at who the two are using for faculty. Some of private universities (even JHU for its Whiting Engineering masters) use people that are “practicing professionals” to teach. Generally, they are well below the quality of Ph.D. faculty with years of teaching experience.</p>
<p>Further, what are GU’s regulations about taking courses NOT in continuing studies?</p>