Georgetown/Penn/Brown potential? (I'm international)

<p>Hey there -</p>

<p>I'm an international tenth grader with my heart set on going to university in the US. I just wanted to know if someone could give me a rough idea if I'm in the mix to get into a Tier 1 school - right now I'm in love with Georgetown & Penn, and I've also toured schools like Brown which I really like.
So here's where I'm at regarding school right now (we don't use the GPA system so it's a lot harder to work out where I stand):</p>

<li>1st in English & Maths; taking Extension Maths and Extension English next year (the first year you can); double Extension English in Senior Year.</li>
<li>Top 10% in every other subject (our school is 9th in the state and works beyond the curriculum; so although I score around 85-90% in our internal tests, by the state standards that's definitely higher).</li>

<p>Beyond academia, I have: -</p>

<li>Competed at State Model UN finals,</li>
<li>Member of Senior Jazz Band, Senior Concert Band, Brass Ensemble, Percussion Ensemble, & Guitar Ensemble.</li>
<li>Play in varsity soccer & touch football, as well as community soccer team.</li>
<li>Volunteer lifeguard</li>
<li>Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh awards; Gold to be completed next year (the Award involves components of volunteering, a skill, a sport, and a 3-4 day hike).</li>
<li>Recently traveled alone for the first time to the US at an Ivy League summer school.</li>
<li>I'm a Junior Prefect, with a strong likelihood of being a Senior Prefect and possibly House Captain, and was part of the Peer Support program.</li>
<li>Consistently achieve Distinctions & High Distinctions in international academic competitions (the two highest awards).</li>
<li>Selected to next year attend a young leaders conference in NY & DC, run by the UN.</li>
<li>In my spare time, I've produced two music videos for signed artists at EMI Records (one of the Big Four). Using these skills & contacts I'm also planning a large-scale charity concert (with prominent artists) for next year.</li>

<p>Although I'm not first overall in my grade, I'm confident that I'm at least in the top 10%; and at the end of my senior year, my teachers predict I'll (at least) finish in the top 5% of the state.
I'm taking the SAT's next year.</p>

<p>I also write a mean essay :P</p>

<p>I know that no one can say definitively whether I'll get into one of these level of schools or not, but for me, not using the GPA system nor having yet sat my SAT's, it's just finding out if I'm in a shot or it's not really worth it. I'm not going to be valedictorian, but I'm hoping my outside-the-classroom interests will make up for this.</p>

<p>I'm also an international student able to pay the full fees, which I've been told helps significantly.</p>

<p>Any answers would be amazingly appreciated :)</p>


<p>It's a bit early to determine your chances (having not taken the SATs or completed 11th grade), but it looks good so far. You have a good chance of getting into Georgetown, Penn, or Brown if you keep up the good work.</p>