Georgia Tech Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Accepted OOS for CS!
GPA: 4.0uw/4.5w
SAT: 1570 SS ACT: 35 SS

Really happy about this, especially after getting rejected from UT Austin last night.


Thatā€™s great! Congrats to you too!

So AP credits will be allowed in transfer if they appear on your transcript from your first college and you were awarded credit there. This is true even if they accept a lower score than Georgia Tech. For example, many transfer from Georgia State and Georgia State allows a three for college credit. Georgia Tech does not. However, if the credit has been awarded by Georgia State even if through a three on the exam and it appears on your transfer transcript you will get GeorgiaTech credit as well. Hope that makes sense.

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S22 Accepted / OOS
UW 4.0 / 12+ APs
SAT 1550/ACT 35
Varsity Sport Captain
Solid leadership/ECs/Volunteering


Accepted. When do scholarship decisions come out? Sorry if this has been asked

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There is a legacy pathway called the Conditional Acceptance pathway. There are multiple others: arts and sciences, first generation, APS pathway, etc. They gave over 8000 pathway offers last year.

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AP credits count for required courses, but not toward the 30 hours credit required to be earned aster high school.


Thank you for the helpful info!

Wow! This is fantastic info about the Pathway program and transferring in AP credits! My S22 also has this option and he will strongly consider it! Thanks @VirginiaBelle

Thank you! Understood.

Iā€™ve seen your name on a few other boards. Congratulations on your other acceptances. Who knows - you and my daughter could end up as classmates!!1

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There was a question about this last year and I believe it came down to the answer that they do in fact count for transfer pathways. Definitely something I would address to the admissions office because I believe that is where the final answer came from last year. Not sure I have the answer right on that, but do know it was a gray area with a lot of confusion last year!

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Congratulations to all who were accepted! Very exciting!

S, Deferred, Data science (in school of Industrial engineering)
UW GPA: 4.0: SAT: 1440 (780 Math)
2 sports; well rounded set of ECs, some supporting his academic interests; Camp Director

Do deferred students get notified of final decisions with the pool of RD applicants? Or on a different schedule?


i think there will be a link that says my award letter in the oscar georgia tech financial aid site

D offered GT Arts and Sciences Pathway. My question is does this rule out any chance she can get into the College of Engineering once sheā€™s there if she desires? Or is it impossible to change majors or colleges? Thanks

DS22 got a guaranteed pathway acceptance program decision. OOS.


GT received 5,000 more applications than last year, so that 14% OOS admit rate from last year is sure to decline. Itā€™s a very hard school to get into, so anyone who did should be very pleased, and those who didnā€™t must understand that itā€™s a long shot at best. No matter how great the stats and credentials, there simply arenā€™t too many spots with such a large pool of applicants.

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She can change majors. Because she was offered the arts and science transfer pathway she will have to choose an arts and science major (which may have to be the same one she applied for not sure about that) and apply for entry as that major. I donā€™t think she can change immediately, but believe she can apply to change after her 1st semester. There are restrictions on major changes after a certain number of hours but as long as she is under that I would think she would be fine. Always best to contact the admissions dept via email with specific questions though.

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It is possible to change majors but there are a few rules; Iā€™m not familiar with all of them in detail. I believe some time must transpire before the student transfers (a year, maybe?). Since the various engineering disciplines require certain mandatory courses in succession, this often means that the degree coursework canā€™t be completed in 4 years. Considering the return on investment and the top flight engineering education, paying for a few extra semesters at GT might be worth it.

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Reading through the stats here, seems that most who were accepted, as well as deferred, had lots of AP classes (10+), compared to those rejected. Test scores similar, but maybe they looked at rigor/AP as the deciding factor? If true, wonder how they factor in schools who cut back on APs due to pandemic or just donā€™t offer as much as some other schools.