Georgia Tech Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission


DD Deferred CS
ACT 35 single sitting
800 math SAT score
Girl Scout Gold Award - received grant to teach coding classes to underserved girls in low income community.
NCWIT National Award
Accepted to NCState and Park semifinalist
Almost the boys in her class accepted, all but 1 girl deferred.

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S22 Accepted/ OOS / Chemistry

Some stats:
UW 4.0 / W 4.63
SAT 1590, Subject SAT (Math) - 800
15 APs - Biology (5), Calculus BC (5), Computer Science A (5), World History (5), Statistics (5), Spanish Language (4), US History(5), Chemistry (5), English Language(5), Psychology (5), Spanish Literate (-), English Literature (-), Government(-), Human Geo (-), Physics C(-)
Varsity Sport - 2 Years, Junior Varsity - 1 Year
Attended a selective summer program as a rising senior.

This forum was useful in putting together a realistic list for D18 who will graduate from college this year.


I see it now!

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Curious if anyone was admitted for summer 2022/iGniTe?

S22 Accepted/OOS/CS

SAT 1560, SAT(Math) - 800


Student who got admission in the pathway program, can they be considered for regular admission just like deferred students.
Can we submit additional info to admission department like awards that were received after November 2021…
We also checked the CS requirement for 1st year transfer. It seeems pretmuvh our DD completed them in HS via Johnshopkins CTY and AP courses.

Asian M
UW 4.0/W 4.52, 2/680
ACT 36 (superscore)
23 APs
NMSF, All-State Orchestra, State Youth Orchestra, YYGS


Are the deferred kids supposed to get decisions as RD?

S22- OOS rejected Mech Engg. We knew GTech was a reach given that his UW GPA is 3.83… Looks like his aspirations to go to a T15 are limited… I see other kids with higher stats getting rejected and so I can totally understand

No. That is the final decision. The CTY classes may not transfer.

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S22 Accepted/OOS/Computer Science
UW 99.2/W 106.2, 1/280
SAT 1580
18 APs
NMSF, All-State Orchestra, Solid leadership/ECs/Volunteering


S22 accepted/OOS/Computer Science


Admitted to Aerospace Engineering
-33 Superscored ACT, no SAT
-I know my test scores aren’t the best but I made sure to highlight the app I published on the app store and some electric skateboards/RC planes I’ve 3D printed


Accepted oos cs.
GPA:4.0 UW/4.4 W
AP: CS A, Calc AB and BC, Physics C, Euro, Statistics, CS Principles, Government, Economics, Literature
Solid ECs with leadership, NCWIT National award, and a few others.

Honestly surprised by the acceptance, was not expecting it at all.


Did anyone get their financial aid offer with their acceptance or do they come later? S22 did not see one yet.

Rejected- OOS for Engineering- It is a tough school to get admitted…

Deferred OOS
3.8 UW/5.65W 34ACT 4/230 13 AP classes
Industrial Engineering

I read that typical EA numbers for GT are 20% acceptances, 20% deferrals, and the rest rejections or closed/incomplete. And of the deferred, 33% accepted. So, there is hope.


Deferred OOS CS … Congratulations to those who got in. :+1:

I know many of us are on multiple threads, good to see everyone is landing somewhere good, so for those who haven’t found a good home yet, do not lose hope, it will happen soon.