Georgia Tech Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Accepted OOS for BME!
4.0 UW/4.94 W
1570 SAT, 36 ACT, 14 AP’s
Solid EC’s & Okay Essay (Must have been better than I thought)


I wonder the colleges have managed to figure out who we are. :rofl:

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D22 OOS got deferred - 4.0UW / 4.67W / 1570 SAT / 9 APs / multiple Honors class - founded SWE club, co-president of 2 other clubs, Tons of volunteering including at the local hospital, choir (state level twice), paid tutor for elementary school kids

Same here. DS was deferred today. We will see what happens RD. We have a bit of a lull now with other decisions not due until end of Feb and into March. Looking forward to a break honestly. Congratulations to everyone that got accepted today!


Lull??? Noooo, we now have to figure out the hacks for RD :slight_smile:

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I was offered the first generation pathway…if I complete all the requirements, am I guaranteed my major? Or just admission to the school? UT does a lot of manipulation with majors, so I wasn’t sure if it’s something that applies to GT. Also is 30 semester credit hours a lot?

A friend’s kid got a 2023 Fall pathway transfer offer. what is about this offer? Guaranteed transfer as long as she meets those minimum requirements? Is a transfer offer more optimistic than being deferred?


Hello - my son applied to ME program. He also received a note about a conditional transfer. We have heard the Ramblin’ Wreck song since he was born :slight_smile:

Would love any guidance from those who’s children have gone this route and have been accepted. How is the experience for students who transfer in through this program? Are students provided additional help to ensure success? Would your kid do it again through this pathway? Thank you!

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EA2 acceptance for today stands at 12% per College Kickstart page. It was 39% for EA1.

2399 out of 6100 for EA1.
2900 out of 25000 for EA2.


Son Accepted! Biomedical Engineering
35 SS ACT, 4.0UW/4.6W, 12+ APs
President of Student Council + 2 Captain + Chamber Orchestra
Summer Internship
Okay Essay


We were in the same boat. Son finally heard last night as auto admit to UT in top 1% of competitive school with top stats he did not get into electrical engineering, but he did get into GT today. UT is messed up in their value system and process. Their loss!


GT CS or UT Austin CS, which one is good ?


Both are amazing CS programs, you will not go wrong with either of them.

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CS father here. Both are great programs and ranked highly. For my son it will simply come down to feel of the campus. He has not visited Georgia Tech yet. We live in Texas and have been to UT many times. UT obviously would cost less for us being in state.


UT campus a lot bigger. We are OOS, will prefer AT Austin as it is direct accepted to major .

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Both are good, but Tech is definitely better.

PS. I might be biased as I went there.

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Both have great program. You should visit campus and decide. We love GT. GT CS parent bias :blush:. Kiddos did not apply to UTs so did not visit. For CS you should compare if the program is keeping up or staying ahead.

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DS applied to Computational Media (1530 SAT, strong ECs including author of a book and a professional musician). Has been offered an arts/science transfer pathway. He got into Purdue CIT and U-Wisconsin Madison L&S CS. Any ideas on if we can to talk to GT about being considered for regular admission than the pathway?

How does GT Computational Media compare to Purdue CIT (Polytechnic) and U-Wisconsin? Is it worth doing a local college for 1 year to transfer? Any thoughts will be much appreciated.

No worthy to wait 1 year . Purdue engineering is excellent! Top 4 college for engineering program

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30 credit hours is a normal load for two full semesters. You might want to take a summer class to make it easier to maintain a high GPA. Verify that all your courses will transfer to GT via their website.