Georgia Tech Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

I’m not sure you were given the correct information. Please note that students answer the phone at the admissions office so I would certainly go by the website. I think the information outlined above is correct. AP and dual enrollment classes can be used to satisfy transfer requirements but they cannot be used to satisfy the 30 hour requirement. These are two separate requirements. Your student must take 30 additional hours prior to transfer. If I recall correctly, this is also outlined on the website.Transfer pathways also require admission at a specific semester. For example, the conditional transfer pathway requires that your student enter in summer of 2024. Not sure when the entry term for arts and sciences is, but that is when they must enter to take advantage of the pathway.

Unfortunately, there is no transferring in early under a pathway. Also, many schools require you be out of high school for at least a year prior to transfer, in addition to satisfying any other transfer requirements. I know UGA does this so even if you have the hours satisfied you can’t enter until a year from high school graduation. My guess is Georgia Tech as a state school is the same.

I am editing to add this link from the transfer pathway website. It makes clear that even students with dual enrollment and AP credits still have to complete an additional 30 semester credit hours or 45 quarter credit hours to satisfy the transfer pathway requirements. Transfer Pathway Frequently Asked Questions | Undergraduate Admission


Thanks for the info. I was a little confused with the contradictory info as well. The info was given through email though. Not sure who to contact to get the most updated and correct details. We just need to know what courses he can take to complete the 30 credit requirement.
Seems like this is going to need a lot of research to figure out the path :confused:

I wonder if your question was worded clearly? If this is indeed true then my son has already met all requirements through AP/DE and does not need to take any classes.

However, from FAQs (as you mention), comments from others on their blogs and social media who have gone through the process: AP counts toward completing the core requirements, as so do Dual Enrollment with DE also counting toward GPA, but neither count toward the 30 credits.

Here’s the information I have gathered and links to the sources gathered from.

I would take the website as the most up-to-date information. If you read your pathway offer, it should say the semester of entry. If it works like other pathways this is non-negotiable. For example, the conditional transfer pathway recently moved its entry semester to the summer, and I know several people asked to enter in the fall instead and they were denied.

I wonder if whoever answered were confused about what you were asking. DE and AP can be used to satisfy the course requirements for transfer, but they cannot be used to satisfy the 30 hours per the website. Regular transfer does not have those limitations. That’s the thing about these conditional pathways. They are very strict on all matters and have to be followed to the letter, including semester of entry, or they no longer apply.

Basically they are a way to expand Georgia Tech without putting increased pressure on entry classes. This is why they specify certain classes must be taken and also why they designate the semester of entry. It’s an enrollment management tool.

Regular transfer is also an option but it is a competitive review of the application.

Sorry if someone replied already. When will the financial aid package be announced for EA2? Thanks.

In their Instagram story they said April

The courses that need to be taken, if not fulfilled by AP/DE, are outlined in the Major requirements. Outside of those, you are free to take whatever courses you would like but risk them not being counted toward your major if you don’t plan the equivalencies correctly.

So the required courses are ones that will transfer in as Eng 1 (1101), Engl II (1102), and Differential Calculus (Calculus 1 - Math 1551) for all majors.

Then for specific majors your transcript will need to contain a combination of courses for that major. Those classes will need to transfer in as Calc II (Math 1552), Biology (1107 or 1108), Chem (1211k or 1310), Phys1 (2211), Phys 2, and/or Comp Sci (1301 or 1371), again as specified in the major requirements.

But these required majors can be from any source AP, DE or from the institution.

Transfer pathway is for the Fall 2024 term only.

You might still be able to apply as a competitive transfer applicant during spring, but not as a Pathway applicant.


Thank you so much @VirginiaBelle and @njdad7. The admissions office emailed again correcting the info they gave earlier:
Dual enrollment and AP courses can count towards course requirements, and may transfer to Georgia Tech, but cannot be used to satisfy the requirement of 30 credit hours post-graduation. The pathway offer is valid only for the semester indicated-Fall 2024.


Yes that was my understanding as well. I’m glad they clarified and thank you for posting for future readers


More info from admissions:

You are correct. If [a single dual enrollment AP Physics 1] is the only qualifying (Math/Lab Science) course (because you meet all the other requirements through Credit By Exam such as AP), it can be used for your [combined] Math/Lab Science GPA.

If you plan to transfer for Fall 2024 for example, then yes courses you take now (co-enrollment this spring before graduating beyond dual enrollment), this Summer, Fall 2023, and Spring of 2024 as a college student will count towards course requirements by major and the overall and Math/Lab Science GPA.

You would need the 30 credit hours to occur after high school graduation (outside of co-enrolled spring classes taken during Senior Year in high school).

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Are there any merit scholarships available to international admits?

No. Almost no merit given at Georgia Tech to even US citizens.

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OOO son was denied outright. He knew it was a long shot but had hopes of deferral. His dream school. 1580 SAT, 9 APs, mid level extracurriculars. Thought he had a great overall essay but wondering if his supplemental essay just wasn’t strong enough. Worse, his entire peer group was accepted or deferred. He is getting over it but it was just so disappointing. Considering acceptances to Pitt CS, UIUC for CS+Music or UMD CS while we await word from UVA and Va Tech. Heavy sigh.

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Congrats on the acceptances to those CS programs! My friend’s daughter would have been over the moon if she could have gotten in CS+X at UIUC! She was given the 2nd choice major - EE, at least still in Engineering.

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I saw the following from some facebook group:

" This from GTech.
Of more than 27,500 applicants in this round, we offered admission to 10% (2,800+ students).
Early Action 2 Decision Breakdown (Non-Georgia Students)
Admitted: 10%
Deferred: 21%
Transfer Pathway offers: 15%
Denied: 51%
Incomplete/canceled applications: 3%"

I didn’t find these info from GT website but I assume it’s from a reputable source. And I am surprised that half are denied. Unlike many other colleges which defer majority of EA/ED applicants. Is there any data as to how many deferred applicants get accepted in RD round?

Also, we didn’t check the box for 1st semester abroad as we wanted to have a family vacation before the kid goes to college but now we realize the start time for 1st semester abroad will work for us. Is it too late to indicate this as a deferred applicant? If not too late, how and where should we do it? Do we put it in the additional info?


Georgia Tech admissions posted those statistics in a story on Instagram where they were answering a lot of questions about next steps, housing, deferral forms, pathway offers, etc. They are accurate. In their press release they also said they plan on admitting 3000 students in RD. I think the RD pool is around 20,000 not including deferred students.

On the information about deferral on the Georgia Tech website, which is probably linked in deferred students decision letters, it says that in the past two years an average of 20% of deferred students were admitted. That first statistic, 10%, makes Georgia Tech out of state one of the most difficult admits in the country.


Also about the deferred student being able to check first semester abroad, this should be something that you can choose in your portal. I have a kid he was deferred a couple of years ago and that was offered as an option when you submit the deferral form, along with summer start which I would also check if you would like to try to increase your chances. Just know that first semester abroad is limited to kids 18 and older by the start date.

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Hello all. I’d like to be sure I fully understand the transfer pathway option before my son decides to move on.

The option is a “guarantee” IF requirements are met, correct? It seems basically like doing a typical transfer application but this option offers a little bump up for a positive outcome? Does this also guarantee you get into your chosen major?

I read the options, watched the video but am still unsure.

Not sure this is worth his time or anxiety with direct admission for CS to UMD, PSU and Pitt and UVM. GT ranks higher than these for sure but the in limbo aspect might not be worth it for my kid.


Georgia Tech admissions is very careful not to use that word guarantee. They call it a secure offer but it is guaranteed.

In the most recent admissions Instagram story they talk a little bit about the pathways. Basically if you satisfy all the requirements which have to be satisfied in great detail, it is a non-competitive review resulting in an offer if pathway options are satisfied.

There are some limitations on which school you may apply to based on pathway offer, and also may be limitations on transferring out of that school if you are admitted via pathway. This is the one question that I have - can you transfer in using the arts and sciences pathway for example and then study for a semester and transfer to engineering. I’ve heard both yes and no but if you have a kid that may be considering that I would certainly want clarification.

My dad went to GA Tech which qualifies our family for a pathway. Middle child applied for business and received a pathway. My OOS nephew applied for engineering and got one as well. It’s a great thing to have in your back pocket, and is an option for kids who don’t have other good options or end up unhappy at their enrolled school, but neither decided to take the pathway. It is disruptive to transfer in after a year somewhere else, particularly as someone from out of state who may not have a network of other kids there already.

We planned out classes just in case my child decided he wanted to transfer but a month in he said he wasn’t going to. That I think would be my hope - end up somewhere which is a great fit and if not you do have the transfer option.


Thank you. Really helpful. Would rather him find his place and stay I think. Haven’t even gotten to visit GT so there is no attachment though we were pretty sure he’d like it.