GeorgiaTech Class of 2026 Waitlist

Thanks. I saw the common data set for recent years. Waitlist movement can be large or small ranging from 25% down to less than 1%. It is really hard to draw a pattern from last several years due to obvious factors. We have other options but DS put in his LOCI that GT is his number 1 choice and will attend if accepted. He also checked the summer option assuming it helps his chances.

Application cycle : EA deferred
Residency : OOS
Major : CS
Secondary Major (if applicable) :CE
Optional - Gender : Female
Optional - Hooks : None, I guess. Despite the fact that she is first generation American, I have too many degrees for that to count.

I already published her stats, but for future references: 4.0 GPA/4.53W/36 ACT in one sitting/Multivar Calculus/9 APs/600+ hours volunteer (science related)/State level awards/multiple leadership positions/16 years old.

We are really disappointed with the admission results overall, but there is nothing we can do at this point.

My son got waitlist for CS. Any clue how he can get in? Thanks

EA deferred to waitlist (just confirmed interest in waitlist)
OOS - Md

Also waitlisted to Michigan and Northeastern, but withdrew.
He is happy with his other choices including direct admit to business schools at UMD and University of Washington.

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Thank you for the information. I think it was EA .Not seeing any option to edit the post .

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My daughter just graduated GaTech in December. She was able to change from Mechanical to Chemical quite easily her 2nd semester in, but says its near impossible to change into Comp Sci.

My son’s info:
Application cycle : EA deferred
Residency : OOS, CT
Major : Comp Sci
Secondary Major (if applicable) : Comp eng.
Optional - Gender : WM
Optional - Hooks : Legacy (sister just graduated) , from diverse public high school, Captian of 2 varsity sports, 5’s on AP bio physics, chem, A+ in BC calc, Ap comp sci, and AP physics 2.

Application Cycle :EA
Residency : OOS - AZ
Major :CS
Correction as requested .

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Cycle : EA
Major CS
None for the rest

Likewise. UIUC is a great campus, we just visited last weekend and loved it. Good Luck and hope to see you there!

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I hope I am not bothering much. I came to know of something called a LOCI .-letter of continued interest - is a wait listed child supposed to send that to school? Is’nt accepting the waitlist position enough to tell the school that the child is interested? If they are required to send such a letter should the college communicate with them? From what I understood the steps mentioned rather say not to bother the college and wait and hope for the best . Can you please clarify this . Thanks in advance .

Ga Tech specifically asks you not to send a Loci. Or contact them to express interest or with new information. Here are the waitlist FAQs. They will not review anything other than the waitlist acceptance form, which has a place to add all information they need to consider. This says they won’t review anything else to give all students an equal chance. First-Year Waitlist | Undergraduate Admission

Just read the waitlist FAQ below and it was over 6,000 waitlist offers given, 4900+ accepted spots on the waitlist in 2021. 240 ultimately got off the waitlist. Follow Rick Clark on twitter. If it is like last year he will post when waitlist offers are made (last year 50 were offered spots in early May - that was the first waitlist offer).

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Thank you so much . Even I had the same understanding as you when I first read the post by Rick Clark on the Wait list . I was reconfirming the rules . Thank you so much .

From looking at waitlist acceptance stats at GT and several other schools it appears that both 2020 and 2021 were atypical years.

  • 2020: COVID year, lots of students chose to defer/withdraw → a very large number of applicants got off the waitlist because there was tons of space.
  • 2021: enrollment was near full because of all the prior year deferrals → very few applicants got off the waitlist.

Stats for GT waitlist for the past 5 years:

2021: 4,916 accepted a place on the WL - 276 were admitted
2020: 4,235 accepted a place on the WL - 853 were admitted
2019: 2,623 accepted a place on the WL - 632 were admitted
2018: 2,265 accepted a place on the WL - 72 were admitted
2017: 2,822 accepted a place on the WL - 21 were admitted

This is correct. Last year all the gap year kids came back and waitlists for many schools didn’t get much movement. This year will be different as well due to being the first “normal” post Covid year, if there is such a thing.


I hope so! I do know there is a lot of over enrollment out there. I heard of several schools who have actually reduced their target class size to accommodate this. Georgia Tech thankfully has expanded theirs! Wishing all waitlisted students the very best of luck! In the meantime, however, my advice would be to go fully all in where you accept - Watch the videos, choose a roommate, buy the gear, etc. We waited too late to do that as everyone said it was going to be the year of the waitlist last year, and it was even more disappointing when waitlist closed then when he originally got the news.

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That 276 number last year is interesting. If you follow Rick Clark on Twitter I believe once they started pulling people he said they ended up at 240. Even though they didn’t start officially pulling from the waitlist till May, I heard there were a handful of people that got in in April with special circumstances. Maybe that explains it?

Interesting jump in 2019. Was that the beginning of COVID year?

No, that would be 2020. It’s unclear to me why it jumped in 2019 - maybe they started becoming more conservative (underestimating yield) in sending out acceptances.