GeorgiaTech Class of 2026 Waitlist

That was my son’s year of admittance and they started pulling from the waitlist in early April so either by design (fewer offers) or yield was way down and they knew that early on.


Also, I think it is really interesting (and not in a good way) that the waitlist has doubled since pre-Covid. And these are just the number of kids who accepted a spot. There are 1000 to 2000 that did not. Seems a little bit like UVA’s deferral of 5000 to regular decision and then only taking 83. You are doing no one a favor by keeping them on the wait list if they’re not going to be chosen. I understand the need to have a diverse wait list as far as major, demographics, and in-state/out of state, etc. but it doesn’t take 5000 kids to do that. Based on even the most aggressive waitlist pulll, they should be able to cut that list in half. Dragging these kids on with a less than 5% acceptance rate is not good.


My son has taken the advice of many and started getting more enthused about the school that he already accepted admission into. He is on the fence right now regarding GT if they pull him off the waitlist. He may tell them no.

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Don’t get me wrong. I think Georgia Tech is a great place for the right kid. It was a no brainer for us because of free tuition and it was a great academic and social fit. However, after seeing my son get a couple of competitive internships and being surrounded by kids from less competitive (as far as admissions) schools ending up with the exact same job (and getting return offers), I have fully bought into the philosophy that it’s not where you go but how you do. This is particularly true in the area of computer science, which is ridiculously employable, but also true for ABET certified engineering schools.


I went to LSU for my BS in Chemical Engineering and MBA. I have GT, UT, and graduates of other top schools reporting to me in my line. I have done quite well over the years and am near the top of a major oil/energy company. I find it odd how much emphasis kids place on where they go to school. I recruit college kids from all over. We offer one salary regardless of where they went to school. They take or leave it.


thank you! hope to see you there too

My son is waitlisted
EA - now waitlisted
International (India)
Major: CS/CM
Fingers crossed.

Hello … Has anybody received any intimation yet? Or would decisions start pouring post May 1st deadline.

I did a little digging into the historical WL at GTech. So, historically, your odds of getting off the WL are certainly higher than Michigan which tends to put a lot of applicants to WL. GT has indicated they want to increase their class size this year from the previous year. They did increase their admissions offers from the previous years this is known by 17% acceptance rate. My guess is about 5,000 accept the WL option this year. My guess is the pull from the WL will be higher than last year. I’m going to say double last year. So if this is the case is about 500 students get pulled from the WL. I’m thinking it won’t be as bad as last year but won’t be as good as the year before this. This is all a hypothesis.

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They accepted 500 more students this year for 150 more spots. The key is their historical yield and whether their yield predictions are accurate. In state students yield around 70 percent last I heard with out of state yielding around half that. There goal is to hit it as close to goal allowing for summer melt and not going over. A year of 500 off the waitlist where they are shooting for a class of 3500 means a pretty big miscalculation. Coming out of Covid either way is possible. We will have an idea in a couple of weeks!

I know 2020 was an outlier but they accepted 850 off waitlist and 2019 they accepted 630. I guess it will be up to how their acceptance yield is. Could very well be like last year as well with about 250 spots.


2020 was a huge outlier. Many, many kids took gap years plus 10% of the undergraduate population is international and many of those had visa issues. The dorms had so many vacancies that even with pulling 850 they allowed freshman the option of moving from their assigned doubles to single occupancy rooms. Last year was supposed to be “the year of the waitlist“ with everyone applying to 20 schools and many schools took no one, while others only took a few. This year will have the compounding factor of overenrollment last year at many schools, which may have resulted in more conservative offers leaving room for more waitlist movement. Waitlists always work as a trickle down effect so it depends on whether higher ranked/preferred schools start moving to free up spots also. At this point it is just a guess for all except those in the admissions offices!

Did y’all receive the email of waitlist updates?

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what’s the update?


They just gave us a few updates on the waitlist, 4900 people are on the waitlist, they do not rank the waitlist, there is no need to provide additional info, we should make a deposit to another school, we will hear back after May 2

Thank you for the update. So the pool size is 4900. Does GT fill their remote campuses in Lorraine n Oxford from this pool of waitlisted candidates. Fingers crossed.

I was close on the waitlist, let’s hope I’m close on the amount of students that get off.


I wonder for those that do get off the waitlist how hard it is to find housing.