GeorgiaTech Class of 2026 Waitlist

Any update on waitlisted candidates. It’s 4th of May. Wondering if they are full already or the shortlisting from 4900 to 200 lucky students is in process.

They have not posted any updates. But keep in mind that:

  • it’s a weeks long process so we might not know for a long time
  • chances of getting off the WL are very low for everyone and even lower for CS applicants, so it’s best to treat it as a “no” and focus on the school you’ve committed to.
    Then if you get a pleasant surprise from GT, that’s great! But best to not keep thinking about it.

(edited to add: I think you picked “200” as the target number for #WL acceptances based on last year’s 276. But the numbers vary widely each year - look here. So it’s hard to know at this point what this year’s final tally will be).


Can anyone, when they log in to their GTech portal, not access their waitlist reply form anymore. When I click the hyperlink, all I get is a message saying “Registration is no longer available because the registration deadline has passed”

Yep I can’t access it either, but I don’t think that indicated anything.

Press release indicated 3575 was the target class size and Rick Clark confirmed on Twitter deposits of 3750 or so. I have also heard others speculate they are overenrolled. Hopefully they will advise the 5000 people on the waitlist of this if it is in fact the case. I remember from last summer having two waitlists hanging over my child’s head - not fun!


I haven’t seen the press release or the tweet, but that would imply they would take 0 people off the WL. Has that ever happened before?

I have looked at the last 10 years’ CDS data and it has been as low as 38 (almost 10 years ago when the acceptance rate was nearly 50%), but it has never been 0.

I just saw Rick’s tweet, 1st class size is around 3750
Which is over the targeted number

Looks like it’s over guys

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Maybe but there’s summer melt. Also, a lot of other schools deferred applicants. There could be a domino effect. Agree that odds are slim at this point.

Can you post a link to the tweet please? Couldn’t find it on @gtadmission.

Thank you.

I know that this is a BIG if, but what if 3750 is the prospective first year class? Not the number of deposits

Nah I’m just giving myself false hopes

I hope so as well.
Saw this in Reddit - No target class is 3575. This has been widely published and is in their press release. Deposits were 3750 or so. So right now they have 3750 enrolled School counselors are also confirming overenrollment to waitlisted students. Some may get off wait lists and lose their Georgia Tech deposit, but there are really only a handful of schools that will have any measurable effect on Georgia Tech committed students: Carnegie Mellon, MIT, Berkeley, Stanford, etc.

The school’s press release on their website does say the target class is 3575. Not sure about the rest but that seems clear :-).

They will accept people off the waitlist that’s for sure, but looks like 5%

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I think it would be a lot less if they are over enrolled I can’t see them accepting more students.

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GT admission twitter page should notify us today/tomorrow with the expected waitlist activity.

My son was literally just offered admission off the waitlist for the First Semester Study Abroad program in France. He would then start at the Atlanta campus second semester. He has to decide by Monday. Is anyone familiar with this program? Praying for all of you to get good news too!