<p>I remeber a post somewhere on here, I think it was the one titled "Knife", talking about what type of knives are allowed and what aren't. Anyways I think I am sold on getting the Gerber Diesel and the bigger question I have here is, how can I get it from my house to Fort Monmouth when I report in if I take a plane? I know it seems like a simple question, and I have tried googling up an answer, but most of the rules I find are from 2001. The last time I ever was in a plane was in 1995 or so, the restrections then were defeintly lighter. I don't want to have to check my bags into where they put them under the plane, I have heard too many stories of bags getting lost and that would be one hell of a time for something to get lost, but would that be the only way to get it from my house to me when I report in?</p>
<p>I would call the air line I am taking and ask them, but my ticket isn't here and I have no idea what the plane service is I will be taking. I sent in the card for the Fort Monmouth package and I have not got anything back yet.</p>
<p>Thanks if anyone has any sort of answer to this.</p>