German Chilean ancestry- Am I Hispanic?

<p>My ethnicity has always been a big part of my life. My family has been living in Argentina and Chile since the late 1800s and although they were originally from Germany, I don't identify with the German culture. My family recipes consist of empanadas and alfajores and such. My grandparents moved to the US months beffore my mother was born. However, when I'm applying to colleges I don't know whether I should put down that I'm hispanic. I don't want to be deceitful! Help! Am I hispanic??</p>

<p>If you view yourself as Hispanic then it’s okay for you to put Hispanic. Just because you’re a white Hispanic doesn’t mean you’re less Hispanic. Plenty of Europeans immigrated to Latin America; my great grandparents left the Canary Islands and Spain for Cuba. Haven’t you heard of Don Francisco? He was born in Germany to Jewish parents but was raised in chile and is Chilean. There are plenty of black, arab, and Asian Hispanics too.</p>