Get All Your ED Questions Answered! Exclusive ASK ME ANYTHING w/ NYU on Thu, Oct 20 5-6pm ET

Hello! Thank you for giving this amazing opportunity. What is the deadline for teachers and counselors to submit all official documents (official transcript, recommendation letters, etc.) for early decision? Will going as an undecided major increase the chances of getting in? If someone chooses a major and decides that it isn’t fit for them, will they be allowed to change it? Do the schools in nyu new york campus have different acceptance rates? What are mistakes you prefer applicants avoid on their college apps? Thank you again for this opportunity.


I am a Chartered Accountant (CA) from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. The CA has now been designated a post-graduate degree since 15th April 2021 by the University Grants Commission. I started pursuing the CA course soon after graduating from high school and completed it in 2021. I have not completed my undergraduate degree yet.

I would like to know if I am eligible to apply to the MBA program at NYU Stern, with the CA and without a UG degree.

Hi it’s a great help for you to organize this, I am planning on submitting ED 1 to NYU and have the following questions:

  1. What happens when an applicant gets rejected from the school for their primary academic interest but accepted to their alternate options? Does the applicant get to choose between the majors they were accepted to, or are they given a major based on the order they put in the common app?

  2. In your experience, what is the most and least important feature of an applicant when determining which applicants get into NYU (i.e. extracurriculars, leadership, strong grades)?

Thanks in advance!


Hello from China! I want to express my gratitude for this opportunity. Firstly, I want to know what kind of students NYU likes. Secondly, would I be considered a weak applicant if I didn’t have a SAT score?

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Hello from Hanoi, Vietnam! My name is Nhat (Thomas) Ngo, and I’m planning to apply Early Decision to the Business & Political Economy program at Stern. My question, for now, is, after this live session ended, will I still get to see replies and answers?

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could you clarify with regards to SAT scores, if a candidate is not submitting sat scores will that affect their chances at all in any way (scholarship or financial aid wise)

What do y’all look for in essays (supplemental & personal)?

how does the mlk honors scholarship work? how much aid is awarded?

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Another question from reddit:

Can I go to Gallatin and basically just study CS + Business at their respective schools? Meaning I am not studying CS + Business taught by Gallatin faculty but instead taking these courses at Stern and Tandon (basically just open curriculum)

Also would going this route weigh me down with liberal arts requirements?

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How has NYU’s average SAT gone up so much? Enrolees in Fall 2021 averaged a 1510. Does this mean NYU’s latest class is smarter than a few years back?

Also, are full-pay internationals favoured in the admissions process? May be skewed but I don’t see any denials over 1400 on Cialfo at my school that has quite a few of them.

Can I finish an NYU degree (in any campus) in three years instead of four?

Hello! I wanted to know what kind of students does NYU Gallatin look for?

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There is no instruction on how to join the live meeting. Is there zoom meeting link? Please provide.

I also tried to click on ‘REGISTER NOW!’ to register AMA, but the REGISTER NOW doesn’t open anything. no way to register. Please help.

How do we particpate? Just log in and be here?


I am applying ED I to NYU liberal studies and had some questions.

NYU’s average gpa is oddly low, so I wanted to know if I have a 3.92 and am applying to the easiest program to get into do I have a good shot? I’m not submitting scores

I was thinking about studying abroad in London or Florence my first year as options 2 and 3 respectfully, but if I put them down as options do I have basically no shot to get into the New York campus?

Hi there, thank you so much for doing this Q&A session! I just had a quick question on the terms of ED at NYU. I am currently applying to the Business& Political Economy (BPE) major at NYU Stern using ED, and I am also applying to “backup” programs/majors like the regular Business BA at Stern and the GLS program. Since my main priority is the BPE major, if I am accepted into say for example the regular Business BA program but not the BPE program, am I still obligated to enroll under ED terms, or am I relinquished from the contract?

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My son will take ACT on Oct. 22. The test result will probably be late to send to NYU admission office if he applies for ED1. In such case, should he apply ED2 instead?

Another question is as below:
Should he apply ED2 if his senior grade in the first period might be higher given that his junior GPA is not competitive as other candidates?

@Pre-college, @Kafka1, the event will happen here on this discussion. At 5pm the hosts will join and start answering questions. You can participate by commenting below.

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Thanks for your reply. So, it is not orally answering questions, but answering with text messages.

Yes, that’s correct. This is a written Q&A.