Getting a C/C+ in a&p1?

So it’s the end of the semester and it looks like I’ll be getting a C or C+ in anatomy. I did well in lecture, but my lab grade was what brought it down (worth 40%). A c+ is the minimum to continue the nursing program. Still waiting on my final exam grade for lecture, but I felt like I did good on it.
I do blame myself completely, but I never was able to grasp well with practicals. I was just wondering if anyone out who did it before or for any other science courses, what were your study methods?

For any class, the main thing to recognize is that if you don’t do well in an area (practicals), then you have to change how you approach it.

The first time, understand where you went wrong.
Did you not cover the material?
Did you cover it but not remember it?
Did you memorize but not understand?

Then look at how you studied.
Did you study for recognition? or recall?
Did you do practice problems?
Did you get other books to supplement what you were doing? Watch videos?
Make flashcards?

Then look at who you studied with
Did you form a study group?
Did you get a tutor when things weren’t going right?
Did you go to professors office hours?

Then look at if this is the right major for you.
Nursing is all practical!

Practical exams in anatomy take a lot of over practice and memorization. Drawing can help you visualize the material you need to know. Way back when, I used to make flashcards on index cards, my drawings on one side, information I needed to go with the drawing on the other side. Drill, drill, drill. Drawings don’t have to be fine art, just good enough for you to identify what it is supposed to be.

I know you are disappointed in your grade, but you passed! You get to keep going.

I’m really sorry about that, I’m just finished A + P 1 with a B+ in lecture and a B in lab. I had the same professor for lecture and lab, and he was really good as he was a former surgeon. The class was incredibly difficult as he could constantly ask test questions about medical scenarios.

Anatomy lab was hard for me too, especially with tissues and muscles. I got through it though, and I used flashcards to help me study. @NorthernMom61 has a really good point about making effective flashcards. If you can do the same or find a set of flashcards that will help you a lot, then you’ll be in good hands. Also, I recommend taking pictures of the models if you’re allowed to do that. You can look at the pictures and learn how to identify the different structures on them.

Hope this helps and best of luck next semester! You’re gonna be fine :slight_smile:

I also drew my own muscle/nerve flashcards-- drawing it yourself really makes you focus.

You could also try a set of Netter’s Anatomy flashcards, or even an anatomy coloring book.

My daughter just got an A in her first semester of A&P for nursing (it’s a combined lecture/lab grade). It took a lot of effort and a lot of time. She attended every review session and extra supplemental instruction session she could; there were several scattered throughout the week. She said before every practical there was a “practice” practical - I’m probably not calling it the right thing - where everything needed for the lab was laid out so you could get familiar with what was coming.

So, basically, she put a lot more time into it than just the required lectures and labs. You may want to ask about what extra sessions there are, because she found them very helpful.