Getting accpted? What i can do to raise my chances

<p>hey guys, so im a junior in high school and would absolutely love to attend U of A!! my first two years of high school i didnt do so hot. but im trying to make a change now. Ive already started out with honar roll this first marking period, have been in clubs throughout high school, and volunteer all the time at chartities. Planning on hopefully doing well on on my SATS & ACT, and planning on writting my heart out in the essay. if i was to get average test scores and not a too bad of a GPA, with a killer essay…could this get me in? If not please let me know what i can do to raise my chances! Any feedback is more than appriciated!! THANK YOU!</p>

<p>I did pretty poorly in my first two years too, but turned that around my junior year. My grades, from fresh-senior: 2.6, 2.7, 3.6, and 4.0.</p>

<p>It’s good that you’re active in clubs and volunteer work, keep that up. Also, make sure to study your tail off for the ACT – aim for a 25 or higher. If I could go back in time, I would have put a lot more time into studying for it.</p>

<p>Would you consider the ACT a little more important than SATs? or not? if i keep up the hard work, do you think i culd be accpted?</p>

<p>@newjerseyian, I’m not the one who decides which standardized test is more important. If you keep up the hard work, I definitely believe you’ll get accepted.</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>I am unaware which test score they value more…if they do at all; but, my daughter submitted only her ACT score and was accepted to the Honors College for Fall 2015. If I understand correctly, test scores are not required for an admissions decision, but, are necessary for scholarship awards and application to the Honors College. Good luck to you!</p>