Getting internships after fr/soph year

<p>Hey all, I'm a college freshman who's exploring various career options. I was interested in consulting, SEO, maybe investment banking. I go to an ivy, first semester GPA was a 3.7 (but will definitely be higher next semester because I will be taking classes I'm interested in), considering a history major with econ concentration (or just taking econ/maths without formal declaration).... what should I do this summer? how does one go about getting an internship with an i-bank (upperclassmen act like it's so easy to get one but don't give concrete info on how to)? the career office has so much info that i just get confused/bogged down and give up and my academic adviser is worthless.</p>

<p>well, being at an ivy league you have the upper hand because all the bulge brackets go there to recruit students for both jobs and internships.</p>

<p>as for internships after fr/soph year, there are tons of threads already about this so you can utilize the search options here on this site. however, if you really want these kinds of internships within the financial services industry then go to <a href=""&gt;;/a>, <a href=""&gt;;/a>, and do the homework and research.</p>