<p>Like my alliteration? I'm a budding high school poet with a notebook filling up with poems that unfortunately aren't going to get read by anybody but me, it seems.</p>
<p>Living in a small town, I really don't know how to get these out to anyone. Scholastic is gone till next year and my English teacher will laud them but she loves everything I write. Of course, the internet is always a source, but I'm kind of uneasy about letting strangers read/possibly copy my poems (hopefully they're good enough that some people would want to...)</p>
<p>So, what do you guys and girls, fellow highschoolers, think is the best way to get my stuff out? My dream job isn't rockstar or doctor - I really want to do this for my entire life - and I need to get some feedback!</p>
<p>Thoughts, advice, and discussion???</p>
<p>not much interest in poetry huh??</p>
<p>You could start off by trying to get published on the internet. Look for online poetry magazines that are established. Are there any creative writing magazines near where you live? Are there any poetry magazines that would be willing to take submissions? Maybe it’s a good idea to ask your teacher, even if you think that she likes everything you write
Are there any creative writing organizations in your area or nearby? I don’t live in the USA so I can’t tell you much about where you can get your poetry published, but rest assured that it can definitely be done. That’s what I did at least [I love writing poetry too]
Look around and you’ll find something. I’m sorry I couldn’t be more helpful, but google’s a good tool. You’ll find what you’re looking for, I hope! Good luck.</p>
<p>I have a friend who self-published his novel… I’m not sure how he did it though, and it was a long time ago.</p>
<p>Self publishing is a nice idea, but that’s best if you’ve got a large, quality body of work that can translate into something like a book.
Otherwise it’s really not going to get much consideration or attention. The OP is probably better off getting in touch with established creative writing group or magazine, get some work out and after he’s gotten settled in he can consider getting a book out.</p>
(haha, an one-page publication!). I guess you can try the school literary magazine, but I’m sure you’re looking for something more…</p>
<p>There is a great book called, Writer’s Market, that is published every year. It has information on all kinds of places that publish news articles, fiction, poetry and so on. You can see if your local library has a copy or visit the bookstore (the book is huge and expensive, so you might want to bring a notepad and jot down the names of a few places and do your own research instead of buying the book).</p>
<p>They publish the book every year with up to date information, but my copy is from 2007 and still works fine. </p>
<p>Also, talk to your English teacher. My English teacher in HS would sometimes tell us about poetry competitions or publishing opportunities. Good luck :)</p>
<p>If your school doesn’t already have a literary magazine, you could start one and at least get your poetry published in that. It’s a start, anyway.</p>