Getting tired of this...SAT II Japanese help needed!

<p>There are absolutely NO study guides for the SAT II Japanese. I've searched for days and can't find anything. As anyone gotten a high score (750+) on the Japanese SAT II who's not a native speaker? If so, can you tell me how you got that score?</p>


<p>Look for guides for the JLPT. I believe my daughter and her classmates found them helpful.</p>


<p>more help needed please</p>

<p>The difficulty is kind of similar to JLPT N4.
The grammar part is very easy but a little bit of tricky. I mean, some grammar questions test very subtle usage.</p>

<p>But don’t be worry. You can take the test put in the CB.
I’ll take it this Nov.</p>

<p>Good luck for you!</p>

<p>Thanks for the help!</p>

<p>Are there any other College Board practice tests besides the one in the official study guide?</p>

<p>old bump! Looking for help. Native speaker, so listening is relatively easy. Grammar gets a bit more hairy, but I can “use my ear” and get through things. And as long as hiragana exists…not much issue. problem is KANJI. Jeez, what sort of Kanji does the SAT want, and what books would help me practice it?</p>

<p>I never use Kanji in my life (almost always stuck to hiragana+first grade kanji) and now I need to pick some up because BU’s accelerated med program demands that I have a 560+ on a SAT language test. Oh, and I gotta learn all this kanji in UNDER A MONTH for the test (ED and EA applications at the same time too). If I didn’t have the inklings of basic Japanese, I’d have run in fear, but now looks like I have no choice…help!!</p>

<p>It seems that u guys can’t handle kanji well.</p>

<p>As a native Chinese speaker, I have to say, my problem is contrary to yours. I can very easily guess the meaning of most kanji. But hiragana, OMG. And it’s especially difficult for me to study conjugation. I always forget how to change the verb forms. </p>

<p>Kanji is not that difficult as u thought. You can guess the meaning since every character has it’s basic meaning. I’ve downloaded basic kanji for AP Japanese.If u want the script, send me message. You can also read a lot materials to boost your vocabulary power.</p>

<p>對於說中文的學生漢字當然不難啦···平假名可能要多練習才行。我當時學日語,假名隻背了兩天,但是熟悉這些假名花了大概一個月的時間。不過sat2日語不懂漢字或者假面也是能考的哦···可以祇看羅馬字那一排來做題···動詞變化是會有點麻煩的, 不過最基本的那麽幾種而已,祇要多看多練就好了。加油!</p>

<p>You don’t need to know kanji to take the japanese test. Just simply solve the questions by reading the romaji part.</p>