Getting to Live In My Preferred Dorn

Hello. I was wondering how soon I should fill out my housing application in order to have a chance of living in either Riverside or Presidential. I’m close to completely sure I want to attend, but my parents are against enrolling until after I visit, which I will do mid-January. If I submit my housing app close to the end of January, will I have a good chance of having open rooms in these two complexes?


By paying your housing deposit that late you will probably have a chance at getting into a single open room in one of the suites but there is no way to know for sure. Your option is finding a roommate with an earlier housing selection time and having them “pull” you into a suite. If they follow the same procedure they used last year a person with an earlier time slot can pull in only one roommate. This past year Presidential was the first dorm to fill up so if you are flexible about being in Riverside then you should be ok.