Presidential Village chances

Made deposit for daughter on 1/14…what are her chances of getting a 4BR suite? She found one roommate on social media and 2 other girls would like to link up with them (I think they made deposit in December).


The 2 girls with the earlier times need to match with the 2 girls with the later times for it to work. The 2 with the earlier times should not be matched with each other. They each will need to “pull” one of the later girls in. If the earlier girls made their deposit in early December, they may have a problem getting an empty suite in Pres so they need to have a backup choice. Riverside is the closest alternative.

My son did his housing deposit very early, but has not looked for any roommates yet. If you are going into a suite, do you have to have all four roommates to choose a room? Or can you pick your own room by yourself? He is not sure yet where he will be housed, as he applied for and interviewed to do the Blount Scholar’s program, and he’s already in the honors college.

@elodyCOH He will be able to match and pull in only one roommate. If he finds 3 boys he wants to live with in a suite, he will have to use the process I mentioned in my post above. He can also opt to just go in as a single and pick his own room. If he gets into Blount that will open the door to that dorm as well. Honors students can live in Ridgecrest if they chose to however, there are honors students in all dorms. IMO he should try and match with a like-minded roommate rather than go as a single.