Honors/suite housing Fall 2017

I’m an OOS CBH engineering prospective student who hasn’t yet committed to UA, so I didn’t end submitting the housing deposit, since I couldn’t figure out whether or not it was binding. I’m not 100% sure on UA yet (waiting on one more decision) but I also don’t want to be stuck in the worst housing situation in case I do end up deciding on Bama. I was wondering if there was any point in applying for housing now, or if I can wait a couple weeks to be able to commit definitively. Do I even have any chance of Suite/Honors housing at this point?

As it’s past Feb. 1, you do not get to pick your room. You must submit your deposit before May 1, however. You can still find someone who has an earlier time slot who hasn’t found a roommate yet to pull you in with him/her. In other words, no, another couple weeks won’t matter much.

I doubt a couple weeks will matter much at this point. I don’t think anyone can answer your question about having a chance at Suite/Honors housing. It depends how many students in front of you in line choose that type of housing. I know students who’ve deposited late in prior years who did end up in suite-style and honors housing, so it’s not impossible. I also know students who didn’t, but ended up really liking their living arrangements. Your best bet is probably finding a roommate with an early room selection date who can pull you in. I don’t think it would be fair to make roommate arrangements until you know for sure that you’ll be attending UA, but there’s no harm in starting to look. Did you meet anyone at CBH weekend whom you think might be a compatible roommate? Otherwise, I’d start looking using the Roommate Finder tool or the Facebook pages.