Gettysburg College RD Class of 2020

Waitlisted. I’m going to submit the letter to ask for further consideration, since I know some people at my school who got accepted but don’t want to go! Maybe there’s hope for us yet.
But now that a lot of us got our decisions, where do some of you plan to go instead of Gettysburg?
I’m thinking of Washington and Jefferson if I don’t get reconsidered.

Wait list as expected. Move on. D’s college search has completed, and happy to attend Penn State University Park. @kinzokumanga I believe you have a great chance because so many people applied this year, and a great portion won’t attend.

Didn’t bother to wait for the rejection/waitlist letter, enrolled at Agnes Scott College last night!!!

Okay, well just checked the mail and there it was: the wait-list letter. And here’s the thing, I was told that they mailed all the decision letters out on Friday (the 18th), however my letter is dated the 22nd and postmarked the 23rd. Did they have to lie about it? I don’t understand how that served any purpose. And if wait-lists are only going out this week that means they’re keeping the applicants who were rejected waiting the longest, which I find horrendous. They also want me to mail back a form to them if I want to be on the wait-list, can this college get any more ridiculous?

They should have posted decision online for everyone at the same time. It was like living in a purgatory waiting to learn about your fate while your friends celebrated a week earlier. It is not worth to accept a spot on wait list and go through this experience again!

I’ve just been offered a place off the Waitlist at Gettysburg with financial aid available!:slight_smile:

That’s awesome, congrats!! @Ali1302

@admitmemaybe I talked with the director of admissions apparently they only take like 10% of students off the Waitlist. Financial aid is all need based and would include a small loan($2,500) and an employment award($1,500). It’s kind of odd getting admitted off the Waitlist because I’ve already deposited at another college.