<p>girls, I am wondering what is your limit of tolerating your boyfriend doing with other girls. Please take the survey below:</p>
<p>but to get around those limits, you use the term “it’s complicated” instead of calling it “girlfriend/boyfriend”</p>
<p>not a girl, but i felt like sharing this story since it’s related. a friend once told me of this girl he dated. apparently at the time they started seeing each other they were not committed, they were just getting to know each other. since there wasn’t any exclusivity, my friend decided to go on another date with another girl that he had just met around the same time. (nothing wrong with testing the waters if you’re not committed to anyone, right?) well eventually he ended up with the first girl he started seeing (though not for long). the reason it didn’t last long: apparently the girl would not forgive him for going out with that second girl when they had no commitments to each other. it’s a tricky situation. the point is that, some girls may find some things guys do to be unforgivable, even before the two are in a bf/gf relationship. my friend in the story had no intentions of cheating on the other girl, but she didn’t feel that way apparently.</p>
<p>I think the survey only applies those with a stable relationship instead of “it’s complicated”.</p>
<p>lol it’s a funny story–we are/were in a stable relationship, but we go to different schools so I was like how bout we just call it “it’s complicated” instead of doing a breakup/get-back-together sort of thing…
or the other interpretation was I asked the bf if we could just change the heading so I could flirt with other guys. really nice guy, even asked for anecdotes when i told him i tried to arrange a makeout with another guy (that never came to fruition [un]fortunately)</p>
<p>but I answered the survey the way I would for a serious relationship</p>
<p>“it’s complicated” is weak sauce</p>
<p>I think girls expect guys to solely devote his attention to her when he’s going out with her. Some even mistakenly think that once you “start” going out you’re in a relationship and thus labeled “BF/GF.”</p>
<p>I personally don’t see anything wrong with “testing the waters” but then again dating multiple people at the SAME time can seem somewhat “playerish.”</p>
<p>I don’t see anything wrong with going out on first or second dates with more than one person, but after about the second date, it should start becoming very clear which one you like more and you should stick to that one from then on.
I’m dating a guy right now, but it’s not exclusive so if he went out on a date with someone else I’d probably be a little upset but couldn’t really do anything about it (and hopefully he would realize I’m way more awesome than another chick, lol).</p>
<p>The way this survey is worded is weird. My guy doesn’t do any of those things, so I can’t answer the question? And isn’t it supposed to be “for”, not “from”? Is this question hypothetical?</p>
<p>One of my pet peeves is how “scandalous” it is to date multiple people in a non-serious fashion. How are you going to know who’s right for you if you only date one person? That’s ridiculous.</p>
<p>I used the word “from” to mean a threshhold. ie, if you choose “kissing”, that means anything beyond kissing would be intolerable. </p>
<p>and yes, the question is hypothetical.</p>
<p>only 12% for having sex??</p>
<p>Interesting, about half of the girls would allow their men to flirt and kiss with other girls.</p>
<p>The poll is nice and all… but I think this one is better/sexier:</p>
<p>[SpicyPolls</a> - How often do you fake orgasms?](<a href=“http://www.spicypolls.com/category/show/2/0/33/how-often-do-you-fake-orgasms]SpicyPolls”>http://www.spicypolls.com/category/show/2/0/33/how-often-do-you-fake-orgasms)</p>
<p>There is always a chance for forgiveness with me. It depends on our situation, but if he makes out with a girl, I’ll be quite upset. I think I would allow him to flirt and kiss a girl, though.</p>
<p>quitejaded, there is a chance even if he falls in love with another girl?</p>
<p>Thank you girls for giving this good site to us!! For the first time we will know what you WANT and what you are thinking!!</p>
<p>^ or you could just directly ask girls about what they think</p>
<p>^ Did Kennedy ever fly to Cuba and ask Castro about the missiles?</p>
<p>Hmm… Well, I put making out, but that’s very specific to my current relationship. If my boyfriend of 3 and a half years were to flirt with or kiss another girl, it would cause HUGE problems, but I think with a bit of effort and copious amounts of groveling on his part, we could get past it. Making it is where it goes to the point of no return. Flirting can be unintentional. A kiss can happen somewhat spontaneously. When you make out with someone, though, you have PLENTY of time to stop at kiss zone and you definitely know when you are doing it.</p>
What if it was a really (really really) good looking girl your boyfriend was making out??? Common that should make you feel special that he chose you over her!!</p>