<p>My dad is trying to get me to apply to Caltech and I think I would have an ok chance if only I were better in math (i'm good in science though). But Caltech turns away so many people with perfect SAT scores, 5.0 gpa, etc. My dad seems to think that because I have good grades and might be the equal of some that get in, i should apply because I'm a girl, and they're desperate for girls. My question is, how desperate? I know they have like 85% guys, but are they really actively looking for more girls? I know they've sent me emails and brochures up the wazoo (almost every day for a month), but do I really have a better chance because I'm a girl?</p>
<p>No. Caltech does not practice affirmative action in admissions. If you want to apply, it should be because you’re passionate about math/science/engineering, not because you’re a girl.</p>
<p>EDIT: Saw your chances thread. Based on your stats / ECs I would guess you would have a very difficult time getting admitted. In any case I wish you the best of luck.</p>
<p>And 63% are men, not 85%.</p>
<p>good, i didn’t particularly want to apply. I just figured, if i had a better chance, why not? and i’m going to tell my dad that right now, he seems to think that 1) the percentage of guys is much higher and 2) that i’m smarter than I really am, lol.<br>
thanks for your input, i did a little more research today, and caltech is definitely NOT for me, regardless of my chances.</p>