<p>I am doing this again as a senior with updated stats. Feel free to voice yr opinion. I already applied to Geogetown NHS.</p>
<p>Location: Northern VA
Go to a decent public HS w/ avg SAT score of 1000/1600
Race: Black-first generation Ghanaian-American</p>
ACT: 30
SAT: 2020 CR:710 M:690 W:620
SAT IIs: Bio M-700 USH-730
GPA: 3.6 UW and 3.98 W
Rank: approx. top 10% </p>
<p>APs: AP Euro (10): 5
Junior Year: AP Bio (4) AP USH (5) AP Eng (3)
Junior Year: 3 APs and Orchestra, French IV, and Honors Precalc</p>
<p>Senior Courses
AP Calc AB
AP Chem
AP Eng Lit
AP US Govt
French V-no AP @ school
ADV aka Honors Physics</p>
*School Orchestra (3 yrs)
*French Honor Society (10-12): 12- Secretary
*SCA- Class Rep
*African-American & International Clubs- 11-VP
*Peer Diversity
*230+ hrs at hospital
*Volunteer work at library during summers
*Rec Soccer and Soccer Coach
*USSF Grade 8 Referee
*Volunteer work at church
Awards: not too many. AP Scholar w/ Honor, Youth Salute, National Achievement, etc</p>
<p>Major: Pre-med track might do chemistry or biology</p>
<p>I know most are reaches but shots at:
Boston U
Georgetown NHS- EA